020. kitsune

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Natalie slowly wakes up, looking around at where she is. She realizes she's in a hospital room and she sits up.

"Wait. No, no, no, shit." She whispers, remembering that leviathans are here. She looks over at the door when she hears the knob turn. However, all her worries go away when Bobby walks in.

"Bobby." She sighs in relief.

"You okay?" Bobby asks, walking over to her.

"Uh... ye-yeah, I'm fine." Natalie nods. "You're not... you're not dead. Your house."

"Not yet, anyway." Bobby remarks. "I got there just in time to get the twins and bolt."

"You... you have the twins? They're-- they're okay?" Natalie asks.

"Yeah, they're perfect. Happy, uninjured. Won't stop begging to see their mama, though." Bobby says making Natalie smile a little.

"We gotta go, though. This place ain't safe. I already found Dean, he's getting himself together and getting out. I gotta go get Sam. So get dressed and meet us at the ambulance dock, stat." Bobby tells her.

"Wait, Bobby." Natalie calls as he goes to leave. "Thank you." She tells him. Bobby gives her a small smile before kissing her on the forehead. After, he pats her cheek a few times before walking out.

Natalie quickly gets changed and goes to leave. She peeks outside the door and makes sure the coast is clear before moving. She quickly but quietly walks through the hallway, making sure not to look too freaked out or anything.

Soon enough, she makes it to the ambulance dock just as Bobby is loading Sam up.

"Hey." Natalie quietly says, climbing into the back with Sam.

"Mommy!" Two very familiar voices grab her attention.

"Hey, babies." Natalie grins, a huge sense of relief overcoming her as she sees them both completely unharmed. "Hi." She accepts their hugs, tightly hugging them back. "Oh, thank God."

Bobby gets in the driver's seat, anxiously waiting for Dean.

"Oh, did you guys stay with grandpa Bobby?" Natalie asks.

"Uh-huh." Briar nods. "Ammy?" She points at her uncle.

"Oh, no, don't worry. He's okay. He's just... he's just taking a nap." Natalie says. "Oh, I missed you guys so much." She hugs them again, possibly even tighter.

The passenger door opens and Dean clambers in with his broken leg.

"Go, go, go, go, go, go!" Dean demands as the two leviathans walk out of the hospital and Bobby slams his foot on the gas pedal, speeding off.


They've been staying at one of Rufus' cabins for three weeks. Dean's leg is still broken and he's currently sitting on the couch with his broken leg propped up and he's watching a soap opera. He has Justin on his lap, the boy lying against his uncle's chest.

Sam and Natalie are sitting at the table and Sam is reading while Natalie is eating macaroni she made for the kids. Briar is sitting on the floor and playing with toys. The door opens and Bobby walks in.

"Dude... Ricardo." Dean tells Bobby.

"What happened?" Bobby asks.

"Suicidio." Dean informs.

"Adios, ese." Bobby comments. "Well, this ought to cheer you up." He tosses Dean the keys to the Impala.

"My baby! Now I just got to get this stupid thing off and I can drive again." Dean says, motioning to the cast.

anti-hero, supernatural [ 2 ], DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now