024. sibling acts

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It's been a week and a half since Sam left. After Dean left Natalie on the pier, she managed to find a car to hotwire and drive it back to the cabin. While the twins were down for a nap, she had explained everything to Bobby who promised to knock some sense into the elder Winchester next time he saw him.

Sam did keep his promise and called Natalie, continuing to keep in touch with her since he isn't mad at her. He called her about a case and she met up with him, bringing her kids along.

The four are currently at a restaurant and Sam has the files for the case on the table.

"Just coffee, black, extra shot." Sam orders after he lets Natalie order for her and the kids. The waiter leaves.

"You always wear a suit to get your palm read?" They turn to see Dean.

Sam doesn't respond, just looking back down at the file.

"Yeah. Not surprised you caught this one. It's on every morning zoo in America. You mind?" Dean asks. Sam waves his hand around. Dean grabs a chair, putting it at the table and sitting between his siblings. Sam shuts the case file, holding it in his lap.

"Deanie!" Briar grins, seeing him, completely unaware of the tension between the three siblings.

"Hey, sweetheart." Dean softly smiles at her. She holds her arms out, making grabby hands at him. "Uh..." He glances at Natalie and she motions for him to do what he wants. Dean takes Briar out of her high chair and puts her on his lap.

"So, I, uh, I went to the scene." Dean says. "Wires, speakers, enough EMF to make your hair stand up. Don't even think about getting a reading. Oh, and, uh, if this hadn't have been two psychics that bit it... I would have just chalked this up as being, uh, dumb and accidental. And I know, I know. This whole town's supposedly calling ghosts."

"But that takes some serious spellwork and some serious mojo. The only books this lady had were Oprah crap. When was the last time you actually saw a real psychic? Huh? Pamela? Missouri? Anyway, this is good. And, uh, how you been?"

"And what can I get you?" The waiter returns with the others' drinks.

"Uh, pancakes, side of pig. Coffee, black." Dean says.

"Fantastic. You are a virile manifestation of the divine." The waiter tells him before walking away.

"What the hell did he say to me?" Dean asks. Sam lets out a small scoff and Natalie's lips quirk upward a little. "Oh, it's funny? Yeah, no. Go ahead. Laugh it up, you two. Hilarious."

"Dean..." Sam starts.

"Oh, he speaks." Dean quips.


"Guys. Look, we're all here. All right, the chance of any one of us leaving while people are still dying out there--" Dean makes a zero sign with his hand. "You might as well bite the bullet and work with me on this one."

"I don't know if I can."

"I'm not asking you to open up a can of worms, okay? I'm not even asking you where the hell you have been the past week and a half. Either of you."

"Good." Sam says.

"I wouldn't think you'd care considering you ditched me on a pier." Natalie comments.

"I'm just saying, let's try and stop the killings. That's it." Dean says.

"Okay." Sam says.

"Okay? Good." Dean says.

A woman who is walking by stops when she sees them.

"Can I help you?" Dean asks.

"You're the siblings from the--" She hurries to get her phone out.

anti-hero, supernatural [ 2 ], DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now