030. knock off chuck e. cheese

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Sam and Natalie are leaning against the car while Dean waits at the payphone for Frank. Sam is reading a newspaper and Natalie is leaning next to him, glancing back at her kids. Briar and Justin are sitting on the hood of the car and have the tablet, playing The Gummy Bear Song music video on repeat and giggling.

"Are they ever gonna stop?" Sam groans.

"Probably not." Natalie mumbles.

"Can't you take it away?" Sam asks.

"I could. But then they'll just sing it, so." Natalie shrugs. Sam quietly groans.

"Hello?" Dean answers the ringing phone. "I am the eggman." He rolls his eyes making his siblings laugh. "Seriously, Frank, pay phones? I mean, come on. I-I'm getting the clap off this thing just touching it. Fred Savage? Really? Yeah, no, I know, big mouths are everywhere. Uh, well, since you asked, some actual intel on the Dick Roman guy would be nice. Fine. All right. Yeah, good looking out."

Dean puts the phone up, walking over to his family.

"I hope he finds something quick. This whole protocol du jour thing's really creeping my cheese." Dean says.

"So, we got dick on Dick?" Sam asks.

"That's a vivid way of putting it." Dean comments. "You find anything on Wonder Woman?"

"No. And there probably won't be. They are definitely gone. But..." Sam shows Dean an article about a possible case. "I might have found something over in Kansas."

"All right, well, let's do it. But, uh, a few simple rules, okay? No babies." Dean says making Sam smile.

"Uh... Dean." Natalie looks back at her two children.

"Okay, no babies outside of those two." Dean says. "In fact, no baby mamas. No bars. No booze. No hot chicks of any kind."

"Wait, wait, wait. Did you just say--"

"Hey. You spawn a monster baby, see how quick you want to dive back in the pool." Dean says, walking to the car.


Sam gets back to the motel, immediately grimacing at the song being played -- he officially hates The Gummy Bear Song.

He looks into the room, Natalie dancing to the song while the twins jump around, doing their own dances to it.

Sam pauses the YouTube video and Natalie spins around.

"Hey!" The twins whine.

"Oh. Hey." She greets, breathing a little heavy from the dancing.

"Really?" Sam's eyebrows raise.

"Well, hey. Can't beat 'em, join 'em." Natalie shrugs. "You know, it's not so annoying after a while."

"I beg to differ." Sam counters.

"Hey, if it gets 'em to nap, I'll do anything." Natalie says, starting the song.

Sam quietly groans, trudging over to one of the beds.

~ ~ ~

The twins are napping on one of the beds while Sam is sitting on the other one and researching. Natalie is lying on the couch and slowly falling asleep.

She flinches when a phone rings and Sam picks his phone up.

"Hey." Sam greets, putting the phone on speaker.

"Hey. You remember a chain called Plucky Pennywhistle's?" Dean asks.

"No." Sam answers after a moment.

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