033. drunk ghost

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It's nighttime and Sam is driving while Dean sits in the passenger seat and Natalie is in the back with her kids.

"All right, well, call us if he wakes up or, you know, anything. Yeah, fine. Thanks for your help, Meg." Dean hangs his phone up. "What a bitch."

"So, Cas is the same, then?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, down to the drool." Dean says and Sam hums. "By the way, how is your custard?"

"It's all right. It's getting better. Just wish it wasn't like the damn tape from The Ring. I mean, I feel like I'm okay cause I passed on the crazy." Sam says.

"No, you didn't. You heard what Cas said." Dean says as his phone starts ringing.

"Let's-- let's not. You know what?" Sam says.

"Hello." Dean answers his phone. "Wait. W-Who is this?" He asks. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, how you doing, Garth?"


"Agents. I'm Marie. I'm a manager." She lets them into the brewery.

"Thanks for coming in on a Sunday." Dean says.

"We want to help. Anything we can do." Marie says.

"Oh. So all this is your dad's, huh?" Dean asks as she leads them inside.

"And his friend -- Randy Baxter. They own the place together now." Marie says.

"Uh... now?" Sam asks.

"Well, since Dale died." Marie says.

"Hold on, hold on, hold on." They turn at a man's voice, looking to see two guys in an office. "You think I just come in late whenever I want?"

"I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again." A young guy says.

"The, uh, "charming" Randy Baxter." Marie says.

"Tell you what -- congratulations. You're headed for the graveyard shift. Be one second late and you're fired." Randy threatens.

"Yes, sir." The guy says.

"He's actually a really nice guy. It's just not easy being the axman." Marie says.

"So true." Dean says.

"My comrades got you covered, so if you'll excuse me." Garth says.

"Uh, yeah, I'll go with you." Sam says, him and Garth going into the office.

"He blamed himself when Dale died, and now this." Marie says as she, Natalie, and Dean walk through the brewery. Natalie is holding Briar and Dean is holding Justin.

"Why did he blame himself?" Dean asks.

"Well, Dale was sensitive. But what do you do, watch them 24/7? You can't blame Dale's friends." Marie says.

"But your dad still feels bad." Natalie says.

"And it doesn't help Dale's wife is suing us." Marie says.

"Really? Why?" Dean asks.

"She's angry and grieving, and this is America?" Marie says.


They're at the motel and Garth is working on his EMF meter. Sam and Natalie are sitting across from each other at the window. Justin is sitting on his mom's lap and has a small bag of Goldfish. Briar is sitting on the couch with Dean and leaning against him while he reads John's journal.

"There's a million things with claws that go bump in the night." Dean says. "Once you throw in invisible, the number goes down." Dean picks up a card that's on the table by him. ""Afternoon Delights"? Really, Garth? Don't you think this place is a little, uh..."

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