027. idjits

320 19 3

"Bobby? Bobby? Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hold on." Sam says, doing his best to help Bobby's head wound.

"Sam, is he dead?" Dean asks.

"I'm checking." Sam says, feeling for Bobby's pulse.

"Is he-- is he dead?" Natalie asks.

"Just drive!" Sam tells her. "Bobby!"

"You gotta talk to us, Sam." Dean says, getting on his phone.

"All right, he's breathing. There's a pulse." Sam says.

"Keep him upright. Stop the bleeding." Dean says.

"I'm not an idiot, Dean! I know first aid for a fucking bullet to the head!" Sam shouts.

"Drive faster!" Dean tells his sister.

"I'm going as fast as I can!" She shouts, ignoring the tears in her eyes.

"I need the nearest trauma center." Dean says into his phone. "What's the address?!" He asks and gets it, hanging up. "All right, Bobby, hang in there." He says. "Faster, Nat!"

"I just told you I can't go any damn fucking faster, so shut the fuck up, Dean!" Natalie screams.


They get to the hospital and Sam and Dean help Bobby into the hospital while Natalie manages to grab her kids and carry both of them. They get Bobby on a gurney and wheel him through the hospital.

"Page the neurosurgeon on call. Tell OR to put electives on hold." The doctor says. "Move trauma 2 to bed 7 as soon as it's clean."

"Gunshot wound to the right frontal area, no exit wound found. Breathing spontaneously. Respiratory rate 18 and shallow. RST at 120. BP 90 over 60. GCS 5." A nurse says.

"Push 80 grams of Mannitol over 30. Prep for incubation." The doctor says.

"Air entry clear to bases." The nurse says.

"Let's get a central line in here now."

"What's happening? Please, just tell us--" Sam says.

"Get them out of here." The doctor orders.

"Sorry. You need to stay out of their way." The nurse says, gently starting to push them back.

"That's our uncle." Dean says.

"You got to stay back." The nurse says.

"What are they doing?" Natalie asks.

"We need to get him stable." The nurse says.

"Okay, when are you gonna take the bullet out?" Dean asks.

"If we can get the swelling down, if it's in a place we can get to, if--"

"If he even lives that long." Sam says.

The nurse pulls a curtain shut.


They're still waiting and Sam is leaning on the wall and Natalie is sitting on the floor, the twins asleep in a chair. Dean is pacing. The curtain opens and the doctor walks out.

"He's, uh, stable for the moment. Just have to see." The doctor says.


It's the day now and the doctors are talking to the siblings. The twins are sitting on a chair and eating stuff Natalie got them from the vending machine.

"So, there's nothing else we can do?" Sam asks.

"I'm sorry. We just have to wait. We'll see if the swelling goes down." The doctor says.

anti-hero, supernatural [ 2 ], DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now