Part 25: Rule of the school

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Part 25: Rule of the school


I walked with my 3 wolves into art, here we had every class every day so I saw everyone all day, Lucien and Hana took this class too. We all strode in, looking cool I bet and sat down. We were working with mixed mediums and I saw my wolves working in their own element. Blaze was doing some clay making then baked them in his hands, Mist was letting her hands move water colors on her canvas and Shadow was developing his now made photos in a sphere of darkness around his hands. I decided to be even more..... creative... I grabbed 4 canvases and boxed myself in, then I put one on top. I set up my paints dipped my hands in and punched my set in canvases, then I spun around only letting the tips of my fingers brush the surface. I kept whirling around every now and then I would actually kick the canvases. I sat down and then let them dry wind my fire. I then thought I should have something going on inside... I decided to work on that later. Apparently everyone in the class has to feature a piece in the art show. I sat down brainstorming at the sink as I washed myself off. Some boys and a couple girl came up to me then.

"Who do you think you are freshie?" The boy in front sneered, he had brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin, I guess he was okay looking but to me only my friends looked attractive... well Blaze, Shadow, Lucien and definitely Lucas.

"I'm me, and I am also not caring, so back off." I used my wolf voice but not my alpha one. Not unless , they really piss me off...

"Listen bitch I-"

"HA! Bitch that's punny, especially since we're wolves and you've got one hanging on your arm." I pointed out, there was this bleached blond bimbo hanging on to him, her eyes were covered by color cons, but I saw a marking in them, not his. Which meant SHE was a mystic...

"Why you-" She screehed

"Ow... my powr widdle ears... does baby have sumthin ta saaaaay?" I teased. I let my eye mark light a bit blue as some wind came and blew her skirt if that's what it was... maybe it was a belt and she forgot... well, she fell on her butt and I laughed. "Listen doll, I aint go time for someone who's hiding... her special-ness." She looked scared and glanced at the brown haired boy a second... he must be alpha.

"Listen BITCH, I am ALPHA of this pack!"

".....And?" That pissed him off, he looked pissed I was layingon my back showing submission, yeah... EFF THAT!

"You will listen to your new alpha, my family owns this school, and I own you!" He snickered.

"Oh really?" I raised my hand and snapped, his pants caught on fire and while he was jumping up and down I threw pink paint on his butt, after the smoke cleared and the paint was dried from the heat you could see I use my water skills to paint "I <3 Boys!!!" on the butt and a heart with Justin Beiber's name on the front. "Well I p'owned you so we good there pup?" I smirked.

He started to get red so I used my supreme alpha voice since I was technically the wolf princess and commanded him, "I am YOUR ALPHA," I said calmly, "YOU will leave me and MY pack alone, if you confront us it WILL BE WITH RESPECT!" He started to sweat as he then lowered himself to a bow.

"Yes, Lady Wolf." He gritted out.

"Look I didn't WANT to do that, but I will not have threats on my pack."

"Even the wizard and the leech?!" He said in disbelief.

"YES." I said coldly, "Though she will be referred to as Hana."

I left with the rest at the bell ignoring the eyes that followed me, I headed to history where I listened to the teacher BORED. And repeated that through math and science. The only good was Lucas and all my pack together sitting in a huge group. At lunch we went outside and ate, started a mini food war, (Which I killed) and headed in. We had weight training in gym for today so blaze and I kept adding weight or hanging on the equipment trying to get the other to say mercy. We tied because we're both stubborn but the coach just yelled at us, though he looked like he was trying not to laugh too. I headed to our last class which was musical drama, we could only work in pairs so Blaze grabbed Mist before the other boys could and Shadow grabbed me. Quite possessively too... We were to write a short love scene, with a chorus of what happened before, then act it out. Shadow was in for a song too so we had a lot of stuff by the time it was our turn. We started with the setting,

"It is in a dark room, and I have been taken. I was actually the body double of a prince, and though I am what many call disposable, the outcast princess has still come for me... Why I do not know because she is not disposable, she is needed to the world even if her family says otherwise..." Shadow breathed

My turn now, "I am a princess, but I am shunned because I am no 'lady' I wish to be strong, and the one who holds me close, the only one who believes in me being me and not a puppet of royalty was ripped from my grasp... I will take him back, with all that I am."

Everyone was amazed, many just went straight in to mushy crap... except Blaze and Mist they had a dance scene, but Shadow's idea was genius... Because our first part of acting had no words.

I busted in the room, and I saw him laying there, he looked still... if not dead. I ran to him and cut him loose. He did not move at all... I put my head to his chest and gasped. I heard nothing, I lifted my head and stared at him for a full minute, I then started to shake him and trying to speak, after the minute I just whispered, "Wake up...please."

No response, I shook harder and harder, "GODDAMMIT! WAKE UP!" I screamed, he laid still. I stood up and kicked the chair over and cursed a million different profanities, "GODDAMMIT IF YOU DON'T WAKE ILL DIE!!!" I fell to my knees in front of him. I softly lifted his head onto my lap and breathed deep...

I know this isn't real

This is too much pain I feel

Why are you running away?

If you keep on moving

I'll keep on running

After you....

I'll hop, step and skip

I don't care if I trip,

I'm gonna catch you,

Then I'll say "Tag you're it"

Slap your back and make you trip cause now it's my turn

So run, run after me,

Catch me if you can

Show me how much you care

So run, run after me,

Catch me if you can

And if you succeed

I'll make you plead to be

My man.

So run, run after me

And catch me if you can....

If you can....

Then I'll let you be my man.

I faded out of my song and kissed my lovers lips. I let one tear fall on his cheek. I lift his head off, and laid him down, as I stood up and went toward the door, I heard a cough, with my eyes wide I turned around, I saw him there looking at me weakly with blood on his lips.

He smiled and said, "I'm it now?" I ran to him and hugged him tight. He chuckled and as I lifted my head to meet his eyes he said, "I think I caught you now..."

"Then I guess you're my man..." I whispered. I stuck my tongue out as his forehead touched mine.

WE then stood up and bowed. When we lifted our heads to the silence everyone went loco! They were whistling and clapping. The teacher Ms. Flora came with tears in her eyes, "OHMYGOD you two were amazing!!!! I need you to write a whole play for that! We'll make a production if I get the principal's okay!!!"

Shadow glanced at me, and I smiled and nodded, "Sure." We said together.


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