Part 18: Trials, part 1: The great Wolves

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Part 18: Trials, part 1: The great Wolves

Ren POV:

I could hear them talking...Lucas' yelling actually. The fire and freezing kept going, Only for the first second would I scream. Whatever this was...I didn't want to lose to it. I gritted my teeth. I was finally able to take it silently when.

Black. Thats all the pain left, but so did my senses... No smell, sight, sound....I was floating now , in black... This was more comfortable, and more terrifying...

"You've passed the first part by not giving up." A voice said, it was loud and sounded strong.

"Congradulations child..." Said a cool wispy voice.

"I give you my admiration for not screaming once you lost sight, and your other senses..." Said a deep voice.

"Who's afraid of the dark?" I said jokingly, if I didn't relax I was gonna go insane...

"Don't be too cocky, I'll make you scream by the end of this." The deep voice snarled.

"I'm not cocky, I'm just trying to understand what your doing to me. The hell are 'trials'?"

"A test my child to see if your worthy, by rare chance youv'e attracted the 3 great wolves to your body, mind and strength. We wish to become your strength." Said the cool wispy voice.

"LET'S BEGIN!" Boomed the loud voice.

All the sudden I was in a clear, all white space. I had a short white dress on that went to my knees, then 3 wolves came out. One was MADE of fire, he saw me staring and gave a wolfy smirk. Then one made of water came out, well danced out it's movements were so smooth and fluid, no pun intended she gave a small bow. Then the other wolf... it was smoke, black and moved like...a whisper. His eyes met mine and I refused to look down like my instincts said to. He gave a small nod and walked next to the others.

"I am Blaze, wolf of fire." Boomed the firey wolf.

"Mist. Of water and wind." Said the wispy voice, sounded like a girl actually

"Shadow, the name seems explainitory." He shrugged

"Sup? I'm Ren. Sooo, what do I do to make ya like me?" I asked


"Ignore him, he's louder than strong." Shadow said rolling his eyes. Each Wolf's eyes matched them, Shadow's were silver, Mist's a pale blue, and Blaze's were a brilliant red.

"Seems like he'd still be strong since he's a megaphone!" I said covering my ears, all of them chuckled at this. "Well this trial, I guess we go at it? Or is this simply a test of skill?"

"Well, child you passed the first part, being able to deal with the pain, and numbing of our powers, now you must master them in your mind against us... and answer the true question, if your answer is excepted, then you will have our powers...and you will need them we have seen it. However, if you do not give us an exceptable answer, you will die. Do you except?" Mist said.

"So I have to train, win, and answer a question? And if I mess up I die, if I don't I'll have the power to protect my important people?"

"Yes" They all answered

"Will they be in danger if I don't pass?"

"They might..." answered Shadow.

"Then I HAVE to WIN!" I said smiling.

"HAHAHAHA!!! Let's see you try!" Boomed Blaze

"LET'S BEGIN!" They howled and the world started to chage, "The training BEGINS NOW!"

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