Part 21: Final Battle Trial and the Fated Question

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Part 21: Final Battle Trial and the Fated Question


I woke still asking myself... How do I fight shadow? I brought Blaze and Mist out and began to train. Working smoothly and slowly whirling water around. I was able to gather it and direct it but I still needed to learn how to control it. The movements were steady and gentle, almost like tai chi. I was trying to make the water move faster and whip out. It took awhile... I they had to control my breathing... If I was worked up enough the water turned to steam.

I then began to work nwith the fire. Fire was totally different... I had to move fast, and powerful, I still used the grace I learned from my work with Mist to blow the flames out stronger. Maintaining it was another story... I had to control the flame, make it shrink was harder then expanding the fire... I had to concentrate on a fireball in my hand and make sure that it did not go out, nor grow... I was doing well until out steped the last person... Shadow WAS HOT! Mist and Blaze were attractive but shadow had flowing black hair with grey streaks, slightly long and hanging in his eyes. He had dark grey eyes with bright silver flecks, he was built like Blaze with a hard chest and tall, probably 6'4". He made his way over to me and I was nervous, we got along okay when I was ribbing Blaze but we never talked much yet... He looked over my ragged clothes, skimming on my legs a bit... Then he took off his long sleeved shirt revealing a six pack and a defined chest. He strode over to me closing the 3-4 feet distance and I started to get a bit nervous... The flames began to quiver and grow.

"Let them die out." He said in his deep, whisper-like voice.

"Why?" I whispered back, Blaze and Mist were sleeping at the moment inside of me...

"Just do it..." I lowered my hands, letting the flames flicker around them in a spiral and let them die. Shadow came close to me then wrapped his arms around my then walked away. I looked down and saw he tied his shirt around my waist giving me more cover...

"Shadow!" I yelled, as soon as he turned I smiled, "Thanks."

He looked surprised for a moment then smiled. "Well you'll need it, the cavern is cold... and your trial begins now. Come."

"Got it!" I followed close to him but giving him a wide space of 5 feet, for good messure. We entered the cave and it closed behind I was in complete darkness...

"You must defeat me and the darkness... Loosing your sight will hinder you, I can see in the dark quite well..."

"Got it."

Then begin.." He whispered.

I spun around moving slowly... I felt the air stir behind me, and kick out a fire kick the flash showed him jumping back... I needed to light this place up... my control of fire was not the best yet... I couldn't light the whole cavern... It was at least 20 feet tall, and the cavern was underground and was very large... I would definatly lose control or be unable to light the whole thing only giving my position away... I need to know where he is... The caverns were extreamly moist... I gathered all the water, flooding the cavern with an inch of water. I felt the water move he's coming from the... Right! I ducked and threw 2 fire punches and a kick towards him. Then kicked a gust of wind at his direction... I didn't hear him grunt or anything, so he must have dodged... Damn. I sat in the water listening... water is a good conductor of sound so I laid down listening... He wasn't in the water... his warmth was no where... he must be on a wall, or stalagmite... I need to illuminate this place! I started to get angry and frustrated... I hate not having a plan! I always have a plan! Steam started to rise with the anger I was excreting... STEAM! I calmed down... I made the steam go everywhere..... It crept along all the surfaces... There. I feel his presense... now to make sure he couldn't run I began to creep more steam toward that area. I then blew out calm and cool air left my mouth. The water began to freeze... NOW! I froze his hands and feet to the wall. I let out a large fire ball to the middle of the space above me, it reflected off all the ice... Everything was sparkling, the ridges and the water left on the bottom from my little flood... I sam Shadow, He was pinned to the wall the sparkling made his face glaw and he looked at me with admiration.

"Well I am surprised how calm you are in the dark..."

"Seeing what might kill you is scarier, best a surprise..." I said, "I would never want to know when I would die. I would perfer it never seen."

"Why is that?" He looked at me curiously.

"Once you learn something like that, you can't unlearn it....If you don't know then your life is just about the future and what's ahead. Not the end." I shrugged getting rid of the ice restraining him.

"I think thats a very wise view... Well, you passed the trial. And with your wisdom I believe you can answer the Fated Question." He said seriously, then Blaze came out with Mist, both on either sides of Shadow.

"What would you save?" Blaze began

"Your world?" Mist started

"Or your loved ones?" Shadow finished

"I can't answer..." I said looking them in their shocked eyes...

A/N: AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAA Cliffhaaaaaaangeeeeeer! So I haven't done a A/N and I was curious as to what people thought:



TEAM SHADOW?!?! (Ooooh maybe?!)


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