Part 13: Rival?

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A/N: Hiya! So I'm thinking I may write another new story, called: She's a skater and the new girl and I'm a bullied nerd boy...Why're we friends? IDK still debating... ANY HOO, On with the show!

Part 13: Rival?

Lucas POV

SHE LOVES ME!!! SHE HONEST TO EFFING GOD LOVES MEEE! I just kept smiling at her...She's my angel, she really is... Her voice, her laugh, her swift movements, I swear that guy she kneed won't go near another girl for a while...heh. I was hlding her hands as we met back up with Lucien and Hana. She really took a liking to Ren, not that I don't understand why. She's perfect. I went along with them not listening to Lucien's babble about the cells and what he'd do to some guys in them. I was staring at Ren... She was chuckling and looked so cute with the smirk of her face as she called him a perv. We all boarded the boat, now heading to chinatown. Ren pulled out her camera phone and took a picture of the water as it sparkled.

She then sighed, and turned looking me in the eyes, only about 3 inches away. "Lucas, how long are you gonna stare at me?"

"Forever." I said, now holding her close with my arms wrapped around her waist.

"Oooh reeaally?"

"Mmm hmm, as long as I live..."

"So your just going to follow me wherever I go? No matter what?"


"Good." She gave me a quick kiss, shooting sparks through me that made me beam at her and love her more, if possible...

"Is this okay with you? We should head home..." She started to look really sad and guilty, and I wanted her pain to be gone. I loved being here with her.

"It's fine we deserve to celebrate, we found a cure, and we've made a new friend."


I kissed her hard, and put my forehead on hers, "IT'S FINE." I growled

"No need to turn into a big bad wolf." She smirked rolling her lovely gold and silver eyes. Warm and cool... Just like her really.


I saw a line forming that had WAY TOO MANY guys that were hoping to get close to her since she got on board. I growled at them, Ren noticed. She glanced over, and at least half of them were showing their muscles and winked at her. She roll her eyes and as soon as we were docked she ignored the line and went to the side of the boat facing the dock, we were on the top level of the boat so the groung was about 9-10 feet down.

She smirked, and leapt off, flipping twice in the air and landing of her feet, "C'mon guys! " She shouted at us. I leapt, then Hana. Lucien decided to go through the man-packed line. Who by the way were looking at us all, then getting envious as they saw her car. I understood that... and their leering. Oh well dudes she's mine.

"Had fun Lucien?" I asked

"Oooh yeah... would've been nice if you joined Lukey."

"Mine." Ren said, which just made me happier.

"Okaaaay lets go! I'm starved and wanna get some stuff!" Hana said rolling her eyes at their bickering. "I swear Lucien, I think you just love Ren, and your hiding it!" She laughed, Ren joined her, and I started to until I saw Lucien who was just blushing... NO.WAY.....It could'nt be true...right?

"She is mine, dude..." I whisper growled

"She was mine first Lucas...may the best one win."

"I.WILL." I snarled


Lucas got in the passenger seat next to me, and grabbed my hand right away. Playing with my fingers as I drove while he looked out the window. My stomache growled a bit...I was SO HUNGRY! Damn...should've finished my peach. Then Lucien held out a piece of gum.

"Oh, thanks Lucie!" I opened my mouth cause Lucas had one hand and the other was driving.

Lucien chuckled and unwrapped the gum and stuck it in my mouth. "Anytime hun."

Lucas' grip tightened a bit and kept staring out the window... he was radiating some anger... "You okay Lucas?"

He turned looking surprised..."Yeah? I'm fine, why?"

"You seem pissed off." I stated

"Naaah, I get touchy when I'm hungry..."

"Oooh, same."

I turned back to the road but I swear I saw Lucas look in the rearview mirror, and scowl. I looked at it and I saw Hana looking outside, still stunned by the city, and Lucien smirking looking out his window.

Lucien POV

Ha. He's just a pup... Can he really keep her safe? Iv'e been with her for years...He's been around what? 5 days? Ha.

I'll win her over...

"I'm her mate." I heard Lucas whisper

"And I am her first friend, and a wizard that knows way more than you." About everything.

I was dying, now I'm reborn.Where stories live. Discover now