Part 22: The Return...

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Part 22: The Return...


"You can't decide?" Shadow whispered

"No." I stated

"Why not child?" Mist said worridly

"You're gonna die if ya dont answer! JUST CHOOSE REN!" Blazed boomed looking a little frantic

"There's only one option for me..." I said looking at their faces. The power of my royal blood making me even more authortative.

"What?!" Shadow hissed looking frustrated, I was shocked at how much they didn't want me to die...

"I will save both." I stated as I shrugged

Shadow POV (I'm soooo cool for doing this...)

"I will save both." Ren shrugged as though it were obvious

"Save both?!" I thought

"You heard 'er" Blaze thought back

"The child has a wide sight of mind... She not only looks at the question, but also at what could be a hidden answer..." Mist said wisely

"Why both?" I said curious as to her meaning.

"I have to, with out the world my loved ones die, with out my loved ones I have no world..." She said strongly, the gleam in her beautiful silver and gold eyes said- SCREAMED she would and could do it.

"Well answered... I believe she passes our expectations." Mist said smiling as she strode over and kissed her forehead, water's sign of alligience.

"HELL YEA!" Blaze said now knocking into Ren giving her a hard clap on the back and a kiss on the cheek.... That annoyed me...

"I agree... You have our powers and us as your own Ren." I said I walked toward her until she held up a hand.

"Stop." She said looking angry at me, WHY? "You are not 'mine' you are all you, and are sharing my body. I will not order you around." She said looking strongly at us.

I side-smiled and walked over to her, grabbing her hand that she still held out. I kissed the back of it, then her palm, then pulling her close as she had a shocked look, kissed her, very softly on the lips.

"Our power is yours. Let's train." I smirked as she grew red and the fireball above grew.

"RIGHTO!" Blaze yelled... Imbecile. "DIBS!" He said grabbing her wrist and taking her outside to shoot at each other.

"Well, well... You've taken a liking to her... Be warned, it is forbidden. Shadow, don't get dragged down." Mist said worriedly

"I'm master of the dark... I can go no lower..."


After a few mind-days of training I was a master... and I could channel my feelings quite well with small bursts. Whenever Blaze annoyed me I would sigh, or go 'che' with my mouth and shoot out a little flicker. I was given final approval and was fading into the balck.

I opened my eyes... I was in Gramps house... Had'nt changed a bit, I did though I felt... light, and powerful... I stood up. I was in my room, there was an I.V. placed in me and a bag of glucose... I guess being out a few days I would have to feed... I was dressed in black silk shorts and a black and red striped cami. I took the tubes and needles out and flexed my hands and feet. Then I rolled out of bed and stretched. I felt nubile and slight.

I went out to the hallway and turned wanting to go outside. My muscles felt strong from the mind training but also eager to fight. I just wanted some air.... and real-world practice, so I headed to the clearing in my backyard to shoot a little... I was also going to try something... I hoped would work. I reached the clearing and started to shoot a few flame kicks as I twirled around and grabbed some water from the air. Then, I made my shadow grom and reach to the woods searching with it til I reached the peach tree a 1/4 mile away. I grabbed one and brought it to me. I smirked as it looked like it was rolling on it's own. Then searching inside of me I felt all three wolves, and shot them out of me.

I opened my eyes and saw Blaze, Mist, and Shadow. All smiling and looking shocked.

"HOW'D YOU DO THAT?!" Blaze, as always boomed.

"I practiced in my head, and remembered the feeling when you guys came out, when you slept... I would shoot you out and pull you back inside my heart."

"Amazing....We're practically our old selves!" Shadow said still looking bewildered, he now hade a little bit of stubble, looking older. They all did actually...

"Who are you?" I heard a smooth voice say, I turned and looked at a 16ish looking boy, with straight black hair that flipped up a bit. Like a shaggy skater. He had blue eyes.... As he looked at me he gasped.

"REN!! YOUR AWAKE!!! I'M SO GLA-WHO ARE YOU 3?! " He said as they moved around me protectivly.

"Her a way." Mist said cooly

"Who are you?" Blaze growled

"Lucas...?" I whispered

"No! YOU CAN'T BE!" I hissed

"Ren... You've been asleep for 2 years." Lucas whispered to me looking careful.






I was dying, now I'm reborn.Where stories live. Discover now