Part 12: Life's Joys.

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Part 12: Life's Joys.


We stopped laughing after a good half hour, then Lucie and Lucas got dressed. Lucien in black skinneys and a tight dark blue shirt, he had his witch pack on as well. Lucas looked HOT! Black cargos with chains, a white under tank, and a black button up with painted on skulls left open. He had on some black chucks too. I noticed his right ear was pierced twice, one small tribal hoop, and a stud. My ears were pierced too, three in each on the bottom and one in my right ear up top. I was thinking of getting a lip piercing too... I might do that here, I looked 18-ish since I was 5'6"... I think I'll do it.

I ordered room service again but kept it to just fruit salad since there were a bunch of resturants to go to. I grabbed a peach and began to eat while looking at all the tourist spots in the hotel guide.

"Where d'you guy wanna head to fisrt?"

"Lets just go with the flow and see everything!" Hana yelled

"Sounds good, there anything anyone REEALLY wants to see? I wanna see the largest chinatown and eat there for dinner."

"Ooooh the secret gardens af Alcatraz!" Hana said

"I wanna go to the dock with the rollarcoasters." Lucas said

"....huh?" Lucien said finally snapping out of his shock.

"WAKE UP IDGIT!" I snapped throwing my 1/2 a peach at him. He was alert though and poofed it away, turning it into a lily.

"Ooooh!" Hana clapped

"I wanna walk on the golden bridge, at night." Lucien mused

"Alrighty then....We can go to Alcatraz first, then chinatown for lunch and shopping, head to the carnival dock for rides and dinner, then walk it off on the Golden Gate bridge." I said everyone nodded and Lucien looked dazed...OOOOOH I GOT IT!!! "LUUUUCIIIEEE! I know that theres a gay district too, but you may not go crazy and bring someone here!"


"NO, N-O! We might visit, MIGHT." Lucien beamed and we set out. I grabbed my wallet, cell, keys and, shades. We stepped into my car and as we drove we got some looks....Well we do look like models, all 4 of us are hot. We boarded the boat to Alcatraz and I checked out the prisons too...I ran a head and they followed, I hid in the solatary confinement room and hid, it was pitch black and I grabbed someones ankles, Lucien's I think.

"What the hell?!" An unfamiliar voice said

"Oh, shit sorry." I said getting out of the dark. He gasped seeing me and then smiled.

"Oh I don't mind if its someone cute like you..." He said

Ew. "Riiight, whatever creepo. Peace." I saw my friends walking out still looking except Lucas he was coming straight for us like he knew we were there... The creep grabbed my hand and smirked,

"C'mon, hang with me."

"No.Way.In.Hell.Ass.Hole." I seethed "Let.Go.NOW."

"Nope" he popped the "P" He bent in for a kiss.

I kneed his gut just as Lucas' fist contacted with the freak's face

"UHG!" He fell his nose bloody, and some dripping from his mouth.

"Think, and NEVER touch." I grinned, "Bye bye!" I said angellically, and grabbed Lucas' hand and walked off, not before kissing him.

"What was that for?"

"You came to help me." I said surprised he asked

"You didn't need it though...I'm useless, I have been for this whole venture!"

I didn't want a scene to start so I grabbed his hand tight and led him to the gardens. "Lucas, no your not... You found me quick in there, thats how you were so close to me when you came to rescue me."

"Lucien and Hana rescued you, I DID NOTHING REN!!!"

"Lucas even if you feel you did nothing, YOU DID, OKAY!!! Your the reason I'm happy, the reason I have HOPE! If you hadn't met me, and I you then I'd still be in that bed EMPTY! LIFELESS, AND DYING!!!" He winced at that. "SEE?! THAT WINCE YOU JUST DID!? THAT PAIN?! I FELT THAT EVERYDAY THINKING I WOULD DEFINATELY DIE!!! YOUR COMING GAVE ME HOPE! I NEED YOU!"

"I need you too...but you Lucien, and could've done this without me."

"No, I wouldn't be able to."

"How so?

"I needed you there...I...Love you." OH SHIT.... WHAT?!


"I...I...I'm not saying it again!" I blushed. Lucas grabbed me and we fell backwards on the trail into the flowers. He was still holding me, "Say it again..." he whispered into my ears.

"NO! Too embarassing!!!" He kissed me next to my ear, "Please?" He mumbled his lips still brushing mine..."Noo" I whispered, afraid my voice would give me away. He kissed down along my cheek to the corner of my lips, "Please?" He whispered again just brushing the side of my lips...I really wanted to kiss him..."noo..." I moaned a bit stubborn still. He nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck and I felt nice, and his breath tickled..."Please?" He mumbled again his lips brushing my neck... I was burning red now. I flipped him over so I was on top and held his face.

"I.LOVE.YOU. I just love you" I whispered with a small smile. Lucas wrapped his arms around my waist, and kissed me. It was really different then our little pecks... his lips moved, and I went along with them, he moaned at the same time as me and then his tounge traced along my bottom lip... It felt really nice and I gasped, he let his tounge into my mouth and we were hardcore making out. His hands still wrapped along my waist, mine now around his neck. Then my phone rang, Hero came on. Lucas chuckled.

"What's so funny?" I breathed still ignoring my phone, "The bad timing?"

"That and how our song keeps coming back."

I chuckled liking that it was our song, then I got really annoyed so I answered. "What?" I hissed.

"This is hot for me cuz Lukey's there, but Hana does want to see the garden so move."

I turned and saw him looking at us from the prison playground while Hana was oblivious. I flicked him off. "Shut up Lucie!" I snapped the phone shut and turned to look at Lucas, "To be continued." I smirked.

"Bummer..." Then he grabbed me again and planted a quick kiss on my lips, "Just so you know, I love you too."

I was dying, now I'm reborn.Where stories live. Discover now