Part 6:Preparation

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Part 6: Preparation

Lucas POV

"Stop here." Ren said I looked out of the window finally breaking my gaze from her and looked at her house...IT WAS HUGE! I saw a large black house with a bloody red door that had gothic lettering saying,"Solicitors be WARNED."

"Nice" I said

"Yeeeah they were annoying me...So, I'm gonna go get my clothes and other chill here in the living room."


She dashed up the stairs and I sat down looking around. I saw some pictures...Ren as a a red dress...her looking about 8-9 she was in a gym outfit smiling while covered in mud and scratches holding first place...Her with her parents...her mothers hair dad's strong presense, and both their eyes...her mothers silver mixed with her fathers gold... She looked really happy and around 9-10. Then no more of her but some of scenery... empty swings, a butterfly, two coffins..., red roses...and a black veil... these were her feelings at the funeral? Lonely, beauty, sadness, love and mourning... thats what each plaque said under each photo. She's so talented...each one drew me in, like her voice on the roof... I sang the song we sang together quietly.

"Wow, your voice is pretty Lucas" Ren was staring at me in front of her photos from the top of the stairs.

She had one duffel and a medium sized case with a lock and some keys.

"Thats all?"I asked

"What I pack pretty light."

"I-i thought girls needed a lot of stuff..." I mumbled blushing a bit.

She scoffed, "Yeah some but this ain't a vacation it's mission therefor, light travel." She teased.

I laughed at this a bit and then she jingled the keys saying this, "What are your feelings on breaking the law Lucas?"

I didn't get to answer because then a man came in and looked at me and grabbed the bat that was hiding in an umbrella basket...WHO DOES THAT?!

"GRAMPS!!!" Ren happily growled why looking fake angry.

"REN?! My dear weren't you at the hospital?"

"Aww I'm fine Gramps!"

He smiled then he looked at me..."Who's the pup, Renee?"

"He's my mate!"

He looked shocked at her choice of words...

"Why'd you never tell me I wasn't human gramps?" she said a bit hurt

"Aaaah your MATE...Well I was ordered by your parents not to tell you till your 15th birthday."

"Yeah? Well I found out and now I gotta repay a debt."

"To who my dear?"

"My godparents and his parents."

"Your Nathanul's and Autumn's lad?!"

"Uh yes sir."

"HA!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Now thats a stretch o' fate ay Ren?" He bellowed

"Yep" she smirked

"Well I taught you to never leave a debt unpaid whats your debt?"

"They gave me hope and life."

"Aaah they told you of the chance healing?"

"Yep even if I die though I can now breathe in and not be broken."

"Good girl, now how are you gonna pay this woman back?"

I was dying, now I'm reborn.Where stories live. Discover now