Part 19: First Battle Trial

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Part 19: First Battle Trial


I saw the blank space and it became a ring, the room became a training room made of nature... a spring was a small distance away, then there was a volcano... weird... a cave, and all around the jungle there were trees, vines, and bushes everywhere... It was awesome...

"Ready child? My task will be first" I turned and saw a beautiful WOMAN there in place of the watery wolf. She had cream colored skin, pale hair that was to her waist, it had white with some pale blue streaks, her eyes were a stark blue, and her clothes were a small dress to her knees, and slippers. She was dress the same as me.


"Yes child... You must fight me against pouring rain and winds..."

"Can I get shorts or something? Not a dress fan..."


As soon as my clothes changed, it began to pour, I could see nothing, hear nothing but the rain, the ground began to turn to mud. I got out of the way as a small fist came for me. I ran to the trees hoping for some cover... It was only slightly lighter, I saw her coming and climbed a tree I grabbed some vines loosly tying them to my waist, all the sudden the wind became on so strong I fell, and grabbed the branch holding on. I saw the wind was funneling toward Mist. She stopped and started to look and move in my direction, I started to jump from branch to branch, other times walking on them slowly making uneven bridges with the thicker boughs. I saw Mist stop again and the wind began to pick up. I threw a rock and watched. She noticed it, and began to smirk she put one hand on top of the other with her fingers interlaced, a TORNADO EFFING CAME OUT!!! She shot it at me and I dropped to the lowest branch. Well that takes out long-range... Her little sweeping thing brought everything toward her too... which means short-range... Thats my only shot... I got as far away as I could while being able to see her.... Only about 15 feet. I perched up high and I studied her close, for about 5 seconds she stops and can't walk... and she starts to lower her arms near the last 10 seconds... THAT'S IT! I started to move closer to her and followed about 15 feet away she stopped and the wind grew faster... I looped the vines I had around the trunk and let the wind lift me off my feet, as I floated, holding on for dear life I saw her arms start to lower, NOW! I let go of the vines... I flew toward her for 10 seconds toward her back and the wind stopped, I crashed into her tackling her down and hitting her pressure points in her arms, while clamping her mouth and nose shut with my left hand... I waited for her to slacken, but she didn't. She looked at me with admiration, and closed her eyes, she became a wolf again.

"Congradulations child.... You've bested me and now may use my powers. Rest I will train you once you awake, and then You will move on toward the next trial..." She bowed, and then glowed. Her light was a bright, pale blue. The ball of light flew toward me and entered my chest. It didn't hurt though... it felt cool and light. With that I faded into the dark...

I woke up and felt Mist stir inside me, without getting up I put my hand up and tried to gather moisture... After a long time I blew out a breath I was holding and a gust came out blowing and partially stripping a tree's limbs bare. I stared at the leaves pouring down and sucked one toward me, I held it in my left hand and with my right I touched my middle finger to it... I felt a cool energy and pulled at it... I opened my eyes, I had made a small sphere of water form above my hand, I looked at the leaf, it was brown and withered. I sucked the moisture out... Cool...

"Very good child..." Mist spoke from inside my head.

"Thanks... wanna get out here and teach me some more?" I said a little proud.

"Then let's begin..." She said, I could feel her smile.

After what was hours in "mind time" she deemed me passed. I sat down, then a boy a little older looking then me came out of the woods. He had gold hair with orange and red streaks, it was slightly spiking out all over his head and face and with his natural waves it looked like fire.

"Sup, Blaze?"

"Not much shortie!" He shouted.

"So now I have to kick your butt?"

"Yep, my stunning ass is a'waitin!" He bellowed smirking.

"I had now idea fire could be cocky..." I said rolling my eyes.

"I love a feisty one! Let fire trial BEGIN!" He said beaming. His golden red eye gleamed with excitment, and... Danger.

I was dying, now I'm reborn.Where stories live. Discover now