Part 3: Discovery

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A/N: The winner of my mini contest is Miss Dagger: So as promised I will name L's mum after her since Miss Dagger is AKA Summer, I'll try and mix that up! Here I go!!

Part 3: Discovery


I saw hurt in Lucas' eyes as he said "It'll be okay, they just wanna meet my new...friend." I thought he was scared I didn't want to be with him...honestly I did maybe more than friends...NO! I CAN'T! I'M die...I won't drag anyone into feeling pain when I left.

"Okay" I smiled hoping Lucas wouldn't see my nerves flying everywhere, some just anxiety but, most were from the tingles I felt as he squeezed my knee...I suddenly wanted him to touch me be embraced...WHOA!!! WHAT?!?!?! I JUST MET HIM!!!

I glanced at Lucas and he was still looking ecstatic that I was willing to go and not be dragged... I was happy to hang out with him so I scarfed done my bagel half, making him eat the other and saving the ccereal and milk in the fridge...we shared the OJ and I SWEAR Lucas was blushing as his lips met the glass.

I hopped out of bed and he glanced at my outfit, the gown and shorts... maybe lingiring a bit... so to mess with him I untied my gown, now wearing only a black sports bra and started laughing as he turned from pink to bright scarlett!

"It's not funny!!! Girls shouldn't expose themselves!!" He shouted

"You were the one staring when I had a gown on!!" I threw back

"I was thinking wether you should wear that!" He just got redder if that was possible. Hehheh


He was gonna say something back, then he stopped and stared at my side... my mark was showing and his eyes were trailing over it.

"Is it a scar?" Lucas asked looking worried.

"More like a birthmark. Looks cool ay?" I loved it actually it was purplish-black but didn't hurt like a bruise, and looked like a tribal mark that went from my center lower back up and around to my might arm stopping a few inches from my elbow. In it were pictures I traced when bored... a moon and small tree on my back, one tribal looking wing on the right side of my upper spine to across mt shoulder blade, and a howling wolf on my shoulder. All connected with random tribal swirls that looked a little smoke.

"It doesn't hurt does it?"

"Nope" popping the "P" "It's just a mark. Weird thing is it gets bigger as I do."

"Huh, well it's cool looking, I like the wolf..."

His eyes were trying to stay focused only on my shoulder, trying to be polite I knew, so I strode over to Clara, and clipped on my heart moniter and got dressed in my old clothes.

Lucas looked great with his short wavy black hair that was covering his right eye in a gothy way. His clothes were cool too, black skinny jeans, red Skillet T,(Which I smiled at) and black with red spatter on his chucks, I had almost the same outfit in my drawer so as he was turned away I put on my black cami and a ripped red tank top on top, slipped on my faded gray skinny cords, and black and red striped vans on.

"Ahem" I choughed out to get his attention. He turned and his eyes bugged a bit, then he lokked at his own look and smirked at me...I don't know why, but I liked his smirk. Other peoples pissed me off...I got plenty at school because after taking so much crap about my marks I just lied and said is was a tattoo.

"Nice." Lucas said finally breaking his silent admiration. I blushed and smiled.

"Let's go then!"

"As you wish..." then I thought he whiped something like "always..." but I'm sure I was wrong.

He grabbed my hand like it was natural and we peeked to make sure the nurses(or at least the crabby ones) were gone. Soon as the coast was clear we ran down the hall, once we were safe we walked and talked, Lucas liked alot of the bands I did but we agreed Skillet was our all time fav, he has friends but, since it's summer break they all went out on vacation...I never asked why both parents were here and I wouldn't, if he wanted to tell then I would listen, but I didn't believe in forcing something like that out.

We soon got to their room and Lucas glanced at me and made sure I was okay so I gave a thumbs up.

"I'm cool Lucas, I'm good."

He was about to let go but I didn't want to so I tightened my grip and he just beamed a little... so cute...

"Mum, Dad I brought Ren!" He said as he opened the door.

His dad was a bit handsome, with brown hair and the same bright blue eyes his son shared...though I liked Lucas' much more. He was tan, much tanner than Lucas but smiled so kindly, then his eyes honned in on our entwined hands and he beamed at me. I was embarassed so I looked else where and looked at his mother...

His mom was BEAUTIFUL!!! Black hair in a long braid, and green eyes that shone like pine trees in summer. She smiled so widely at me I thought she was fine! She beckoned me over, Lucas nudged me over and as I approached she hugged me and whispered, "Take care of him for me...Please."

"I will." I whispered back without thinking... How could I promise that? I wouldn't be here for many more years...

Then she backed away and kissed my forehead, "Thank you." I smiled a bit at her and said "No prob..."

"My your BEAUTIFUL deary, Lucas has good taste!"

"MMOOOOOOM!!!!" Lucas groaned, blushing furiously like me.

I heard a chuckle then, "Autumn, dear let me see her too..." Lucas' dad said huskily.

I slid off the gurny-like bed carefully and made my way to him.

As I got closer he squinted at my shoulder...CRAP! I shouldv'e covered it! Now he might think I'm some delinquent.

But then he grabbed my arm quickly yet gently and stared closer and sucked in a sharp breath.

Then he gasped and asked exasperatedly, "Who were your parents?! Their names?!"

"Mikael and Emile." I said shocked by the force, the dominence his voice emitted.

"Dear whats wrong?! Your scaring the poor girl!"

"Look!!! At her arm!"

The mother just gasped.

"It's just a mark sir!!"

He looked shocked as I called him "Sir" like he was not worthy of a mark of respect

Lucas lunged and broke his fathers grip on my arm without hurting me and put me behind his body as though to protect me...Lucas growled, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN DAD!?!"

"I mean, SHES ONE OF US!!!"

Lucas gaped

"Only more powerful than us Lucas..."

A/N OOOKAAAAY! So I'm sure you noticed the SHEER IRONY of the mom's name being Autumn!! I loled a bit at that, Lady Dagger Congrats on the win!

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