Part 16: Returned, but not the same.

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Part 16: Returned, but not the same.


Iv'e Been driving 15 hours straight and we've just crossed into Kansas. Iv'e banished Lucas and Lucien from talking until we stopped. I was now 3am, and I was making great time because I was going 250 on the roads. Everyone was ordered to be silent, so I put music on that would keep me awake. I looked in the rear view mirror, Lucien was reading and Hana slept, I glanced over and Lucas was just facing out the window glaring at the dark.

"Okay I'm about to crash, were stopping! We leave in the morning, and should be back tomorrow night." I smiled hoping being back home would mean some peace. I was going to drive us to Lucien's motorcycle and have him poof it all home. I pulled into the Comfort Inn and parked. Got a suite again for the night and made everyone sit down.

"OOOOKAAAY....." I sighed took a deep breath, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" I yelled, then whacked Lucas and Lucien on the heads, not too hard but bad enough for them to be K.O'ed again.

"I can't say, not my place." Hana yawned, grabbed her toothbrush we bought, and left for the bathroom.

"Well then, what were you two fighting about?!"

"Nothing" they both mumbled.

"Yeah, everyone fights because of 'nothing' tell me maybe I could help?"

"Doubt it hun." Lucien said glaring at Lucas. "Kinda your fault, actually."

"Don't you dare bring her into OUR problems." Lucas growled

"Our problem involves her, thus, she already is a part of it. Idiot"

"I meant she doesn't need to know, not like this!" Lucas snarled

"Well, I'll tell her my side then. When I want."

"That's your right..." Lucas shrugged, "It's useless though."

"And I told you that I KNOW MORE THAN YOU, even about 'yourself' got it?" Lucien said smirking almost triumphantly

"Don't mess with us!" He roared

"SHUT UP!" I shouted, "I've changed my mind. We'll talk later. I'm going to bed!" I went to my bag and grabbed new clothes, and my toothbrush. Went in the shower for 10 minutes, dried my hair, brushed my teeth and changed into basketball shorts and a sports bra, then a tank over that. Walked out to see Lucien watching TV. Hana asleep on one bed, and Lucas laying on the other waiting for me. I wasn't in the mood, so I went to Hana's bed and slept next to her. I felt Lucas' pain as he saw this, but I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Lucas POV

I don't want to lose her... Lucien was making me angrier than I've ever been in my whole life... I didn't want to be this way around Ren... She was mine...I was hers... She said so herself. I crossed over the room and picked her up. I brought her over to the other bed, and laid her down next to me.

"She said we are eachothers, obviously, she doesn't count you."

"I never needed her to count me until you came around...I'm going to tell her... and she'll never foget me, there will be a piece of her heart that will always belong to me. ALWAYS." Lucien stated.

"Well my part will just have to overcome yours inside her heart."

"Good luck." He snorted

"I don't need it. I will win."

Then I held her close, and breathed in her scent and felt at peace. I fell asleep holding MY mate.


I was dying, now I'm reborn.Where stories live. Discover now