Part 10: Cure?

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A/N: Sooo I was gonna post this earlier...BUT MY INTERNET, PHONE,AND CABLE WENT OUT!!! So don't hate me!!! 'Specially YOU Kessie12!! it wasn't my fault the cox co. did it!!! Waaah... Still should be back soon, and I will write one tomorrow so my one-a-day record is still shiney I was just a bit late!!

On with the show!!!

Part 10 (Yay!): Cure?


OWWWW! WHY'S THIS KEEP HAPPENING?! SHIT! I'm still tired... I could feel myself bound this time, just my wrists with cuffs. I could hear them talking... Time to lay low.

"We need her alive! Give her the stuff!!"

"What if she finds out?! It'll jepordize our hold on her!"

"And her death won't jepordize US ALL?!"

"FINE!!" growled He and his dickwad son sounded alike...

"There, it's in her I.V. better hope she doesn't find out Soren."

"Hanathel, stay here okay?"

"Of course." said a breezy voice...that little girl?! God she stopped me!!! "I like her..."

Soren, the son I think... sighed then left saying something like, "always attracted to weird things..." Dick.

I decided to use her..."So, you always electrocute people yoou like?" I said rousing.

She gasped, "Most are out for 2-3 days after a lev2 shot..."

"Yea? Well guess I'm lucky...hey why'm I not dead? I was bleeding..."

"Oh we fixed you right up you've been out for an hour."

Only an hour?!?! This could be my cure! "What you use? I'm still weak I think I need more..."

"I can't say... daddy'll get mad..." Aww she was kinda cute... blond hair in loose curls tied with a black bow on her head, green eyes, and a pixie like face. He clothes were cool too in a gothic lolita fashion, poofy black skirt with red lace trim, a corset-like waist and lone princess-sleeves with red ribbons tied at her wrists and high arm. White stockings with black lace on top went up to her thigh, with red ribbons tied an inch or two from the top...

"Your outfit is cute...your mom pick it out?"

"Mommy's dead... I don't want pity!" she snapped

"Alright, I'm the same..Pitys like an attack really."

"I KNOW!'OOH the POOR girl...', 'She must be sooo sad!' I didn't know her, so I couldn't feel sad...Dad feels sad, he dresses me like her...I'm jjust a doll to him, 'Her living shadow' I even hate my name! It's just like hers!! 'Malenathel'" she mocked.

"Then leave or have a nickname." I stated.

"Will you give me one one?"

"Sure...Hana. It means 'flower' in japanese actually" I chuckled a bit cuz she looked like one. She beamed at me, then started to look around.

"I don't have the key, but if I show you the way out will you take me with you?"

"If you tell me what they gave me..."

"Blood" she said with her eyes shining, "Our cures humans, since you haven't turned, it worked on you...but it's short term only adds like 6 monthes of improved health, not cured."

"Well deals a deal, and thats a better lead than let me get outta this." I reached into my back pocket and found my switchblade. I grabbed it then drew my legs close to my body, I started to grunt as I tried to pull the chain under and over my feet, THANK GOD I was flexable! Then I had to pull it over my knees... I took ot it screwdriver part of my knife and broke the small lock freeing one hans and quickly broke the other.

"Let's go Hana." We started to run out and down a lot of halls.

"Woow teach me that...oh and what you used to take out that witch-bitch Kale, I hated her she was after my brother...eww" She shuddered

"Haha, okay...Oh I'm Ren by the way."

"And I'm Hana! 12 by the way."

"13, oh and 'Kale and Soren sitting in a tree, F-U-C-K-I-N-G, first he's in fear, cuz she's too near, then he fell down and broke his rear!'"

"HAHAHAHA!" Hana laughed quietly trying hard to hold it in at a small volume, that she was turning red "If you wanna get outta here, then stop that!" she whispered/yelled at me. I chuckled cuz she looked like she never had a real good laugh.

"Okay, I'm gonna put those guards to sleep then you pick the lock and were out."

"Wait tell me where we are? My witch friend'll get us out of her fast." She told me and I texted Lucien saying to poof here and get us.

"He said 'Right.'" I told her.

"Okay...their out, GO GO GO!!!"

I ran and quickly realized that the lock couldn't be picked, so I drop-kicked it open, and signaled Hana.

She actually low whistled, "I wish you were a guy...I'm almost in love with you..."

I chuckled again, "Well my Gramps is to thank...but yeah, thanks for the compliment."

"Your freeing me, I'm gonna keep complimenting you..."

Then a silver whisp of smoke came and Lucien and Lucas appeared he hugged me tight. "Don't EVER do that again!!"

"Get kidnapped? I can't promise, I'm VERY desirable." But I squeezed back and held him close, then kissed him.

"Ahem, Hun I missed you too, but we gotta GO!"

"Okay let's go witch-boy."

"I need to make more of the travel potion!" He snapped and his pouch opened and a lot more stuff came out then could fit. Hana gasped, smiling and Lucien chuckled. "I know, I'm amazing." Then I saw them come, Soren and his dad came running at crazy speed.

Hana turned and they began to slow but didn't stop... so she shot the ground in front and the lightning made a HUGE blaze.




A big cloud of silver smoke covered all of us and we were now in some park...deserted, mostly cuz I saw the clock and it said it was half past 1am.

"Where are we?" I asked

"We tracked you this far, this is near the house of one of those witches that took you away..." Lucien said, "We're in San Francisco..."

Whoa they went far...we were in Pennsylvania after that day of driving...and we were from Connetcicut..."Wow. How long was I gone?!"

"3 horridly long days!" Lucas cried smashing himself into me still shaking with anger. I squeezed him back and inhaled his scent missing my mate. He was inhaling deeply too. Once he was calm he looked at Hana..."Ren?...What happened?"

"I found our cure." For now...

I was dying, now I'm reborn.Where stories live. Discover now