Part 9: Taken

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Part 9: Taken


Ow. Shit my heads hurting, I'm on some cold ground... I gingerly touch my head...good no blood just sore; thats a relief, head wounds bleed alot as it is, I'd be screwed even more. Okay...assesment: No blood, nor binds...their cocky... Nothing broken or fractured. So a simple "take as least damaged" means someone wants me...intact for now. As if on cue someone walked in, one of those girls that took me...She's a witch, the smoke was about the same as Lucien's...LUCIEN! LUCAS! Are they here? No..they both had me I'm the only target...I sighed out glad to have some relief...

"I don't see why your relieved, your our ittle captive. So enjoy yourself mutt."

"Okay!" I said with a grin. She looked confused thats when I lunged and took her down.

I hit where Gramps always taught me, sweep the leg so she falls, push her head down with my right hand while stepping on her left and holding her right with my left, then hit the diaphram, throat, and ribs, now she can't scream or breathe right; next hit her head on the ground once more, and fracture jaw so she can't say a spell, while breaking her fingers under my foot so no conjuring. She's out.

"Sorry a 'mutt' took you down bitch."

"I thought you were sources didn't think you could fight..." Said a snake-like voice behind me. I whipped around and saw a tall silhouette standind by the only exit.

"Yea? Sorry to disappoint... you coulda tried to help her."

"Well she was hired to only kidnap you, her ego made her come to gloat."

"Aaaah you felt she had it coming? Well whatever, what do you want with me?"

"Just you. I need you."

"Your creepy dude, hey there a light switch in here?"

"Wanna see my handsome face already?"

"Nope. Just wanna see the asshole I'm gonna kill."

"Hmmm I like your...'spunk' as some call it?"

"Yeah sure, I hate the...'egotistical assholism' is it? That your pouring out."

The lights came on, he had jet black hair with red streaks, and red eyes... great a blood sucker... He had on some old school black uniform on , high neck jacket with silver buttons, sort of plain, with pants. He was good looking I guess, really he looked dead to me pale cold looking and unmoving.

"Checking me out my dear?"

"Nope" I said popping the 'P' in a bit of a sneer, "Just so you know: not into leeches."

"Aaaaw, well it's and aquired taste to some, you'll get used to me."

"Don't plan to. Now why don't you go back to your little rafter and let me go, I've got shit to do."

"You mean save that pup's mommy?"

I froze for a second, I can't let him know I care. "Yeah, I got a debt, and I hate owing people."

"I see..." He hissed he was a damned snake..."Well, if I help will you be mine?"

"Nope, rather do it myself soldier boy."

"Well, I have something that could cure her."

"Don't believe you." I walked past him and he didn't even try to stop me, he walked beside me. I didn't look at him.

"Mmm, most wolves stink but you don't..." He touched my cheek, he was cold...his hand was soft though, I swung out to hit him; in a second he had my hands bound in his large hand while his other was still stroking my cheek.

"Son, what are you doing?"

He turned while still stroking me, "Nothing father, just...ADMIRING, our new friend."

That did it, I bit his hand HARD. It was the same as a humans, soft he didn't bleed much...

"UHN!" He pulled his hand away while the other cradled it for a second then it was slowly healing... slowly... I thoght they healed quickly...maybe it's because I'm a werewolf.

"Well she's got some fire. Son I thought you said she was dying?"

"I AM. Now don't talk as though I'm not here." I said indignantly, I felt my power come back, just a little but enough to sound like I WAS a princess.

"Of course your majesty, my son lacks manners."

"I believe YOU were actually the one who was talking like I was not here not your BOY."

"Hmm that is true, very diplomatic of you... My apologies, your highness."

"Ren will do. Also your not forgiven until I am given a full explinaion for these indignaties, and let go!" The power in me really made me souns like a royal beeyotch... oh well they deserve it.

"Of course I will explain, but first, are you hungry?"

"I'm don't drink blood."

"Well the pasta will have a red sauce, but not blood, unless tomatoes bleed as well."

"How bout this, NO. I don't trust kidnappers to feed me something...untainted."

"Well, sorry to hear that, lets go chat then Miss Ren."

"Right." We walked down a lot of corridors, but I memorized all of it in case this is to disorient me. We stopped at a library with plush seats and tables, some covered with papers. We sat at three chairs all facing another.

Then the father began, "We need your help your highness."

DID NOT EXPECT THAT! "This is a HELL of a way to ask asshole!!" I'm kinapped then asked for a favor!?

"Please here us out, it WILL benefit you as well."

"Alright what is it?" I sighed, if I don't listen they could get angry.

"Vampires would like to expand their hunting grounds, and we would like the werewolves to let us."

"So your asking me to let you have a larger area to hunt and kill humans?"


"And this benefits"

"We will give you the cure. To your friends mother's disease and even help you along until you change."

"I'll be fine, and I won't justify one life for thousands, she would agree with me too."

"Well, see Miss, we need more blood... if not we go feral then everyone would know of us."

"Well if you reeeeally need this talk to my family, I'm not exactly close to the royal side." I said in a bit of a "duh" voice.

"Well see, then you can't leave because were left with only one option."

"That is?" I said knowing it was time to go...

"We'll have to trade you to them."

"Aaah..." I put my chair in recline so they thought I was thinking about it. NOW! I flipped over kicked it at them closed the doors and jammed them then ran the complicated way back. I found a little girl on the ground playing and leapt over her. Then I was feeling tired and kept running. Then I felt a painful shock run through me. I dropped down... I turned and saw the girl, she was staring at me, then the two vamps ran up and gasped.

"Hanathel, what did you do?!"

"She was cool, I wanted to play but she kept running even after I tried to put her to sleep...she's stronger than you daddy, she's still awake..."

Not long after that I was asleep again and back into the darkness. Not before feeling some blood trickle down my arms and head...shit...

A/N: So this is cool...I liked the fight scene I wrote for Ren. Don't ask how I got it so detailed...but you can stop a person with that. Just don't tell your parents I'm teaching you how to disable a person...I don't wanna get sued...and I don't have ant money either. So no win.

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