Part 5: Promise

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A/N: So shout out to kessie12 who threatened me into updateing AGAIN today. GGGRRR kessie12 your sucking out my life!!! JKJK, I had nuthin 2 do so on with the show, btw l8r in the story in may get more adultish, I just wanna insist that: (ahem...mimimi clears throat...) IAMNOTASLAG!! I'MINNOCENTANDNEVEREVENKISSEDABOY/GIRLFORREALSODON'TJUDGEME!!! That is all, on with the show:

Oh PS her middle name is said: MI KAH LEH not MI KALE, I thought it sounded cool...

Part 5: Promise


WHYWHYWHYWHYWHY?!?!?! Why can't I have something good happen to me and not have another bad thing pop up right after?!

I started to cry...Nathanul and Autumn were like parents to me already...turns out they are my godparents...

"You can't die..." I whispered.

"Dear I'm at peace." She said with a smile...I swear she was an angel not a human...

"NO!! Your one of the few humans who know of me right?!"

She nodded, "The only I believe."

"Then your an asset to me!!!" Some power in me was welling...I let it take control...

"NATHANUL!" I barked

He flinched at the power eminatting from my voice and hopped up. "Y-yes?" he asked still shocked...

"You love Autumn ay?"

"With every molecule ma'am." I was not going to get used to that...

"And I'm technically your princess?!"


"Then as a royal decree you must keep her happy!"

"Of course."

"In return I give my word."

"Your word on what ma'am?"

"I will find a way to make her live!" I declared, "Autumn! You are to keep fighting! Your will must never falter you MUST keep wanting to live!!! If not I'll curse you for leaving me and your son...If you die you know your husband dies!"

She flinched a bit, but then nodded sharply

"I'll be back, how long have they expected you to live?"

"A bit less than a year..."

"Then I'm leaving now!"

"WE'RE leaving now..."

I turned to see Lucas gleaming and determined expression in his eyes..."but it will be dangerous..."

He scoffed and shot back, "I'm the only one here not dying, but I will if I'm away from my mate..."

I touched his warm.. he caught it and kissed my palm.

"We better go I wanna be back no later than six monthes..."

"Cool. Let's pack."

"Mmm. We should, let me call a taxi and I'll get my few clothes from here."

"Right I'll go with you..."

"No" I snapped

He looked hurt till I smiled back at him and said, "Say your goodbyes."

He smiled a little at me, and nodded, "I'll see you soon, Ren"

Then I left...

Lucas POV

She left and I was ready for this... this action I was tired thinking it was inevitable that mum would die...Ren sounded so sure that she could find a way that I know mum will live. I turned to them and the look in dad's eyes said he believed her as well.

"You have EXCEPTIONAL TASTE Lucas..." Dad and mum said together

I laughed, "I know." I was so lucky to have her...

"I'll miss you guys...I love mum, dad." I whispered

Mom had a single tear roll down... "Honey you heard her you'll be back and then well be a family! I intend to meet my grandchildren!!" She squealed

I coughed but laughed...She's always like this.

"Lucas, I'm so proud of you." She said

"WE both are." Dad said

I looked at him in the eye then we hooked arms and made a wolf's promise as well, "I'll protect your mother.", "And I'll protact your future daughter, and our queen."

He smiled a bit bemused at the thought of a daughter...

I unhooked arms and dad clapped my back in a bear hug, then I made my way to mum, gasping a bit while she smiled...

"I love you Lucas Micheal Haru"

"I love you too mom."

Ren then came in, holding the rose and a spray can and strode to my mother.

"Here coat this rose with hair spary and hang it upside down. It will preserve forever...I will preserve your life! That's a ROYAL oath."

Ren kissed her cheek and hugged my dad as she got up and met my eyes I knew that even if I hadn't imprinted on her she was still my soulmate.

We clasped hands and turned giving one last smile. Mum smiled back and dad bowed and said, "Thank you your highness."

We left the room and as we got near the door to leave I had a thought...

"Where'd you get the hairspray from?" She didn't use it...

She smirked at me, "I stole it from that bitchy old nurse. She looks bad with it anyways, so why not put it to use?"

Yeah...she's my soulmate.

I was dying, now I'm reborn.Where stories live. Discover now