"You know, Elvis, a place like this needs a name"

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After the Presley family was settled in, Elvis had the Cimorelli family follow him in their cars. When everyone got out of the car, they looked in shock.

"Holy rippity rip!" whispered a stunned Dani.

"Danielle Nicole, do I have to wash your mouth out with soap?"

"No, Mama," said Dani. "Sorry, Mama."

"Come on, everyone!" smiled Elvis, like a little kid on Christmas

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"Come on, everyone!" smiled Elvis, like a little kid on Christmas.


Once Elvis invited the Cimorelli's into the house, he showed them around his and his family's new home. The whole time, Lisa smiled out of pride for her best friend/crush.

"So... what'd you think?" asked a nervous Elvis.

"I think it's beautiful," smiled Lisa.

"Thank you, honey," smiled Elvis, before giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Ooh!" teased Lisa's sisters.

"Girls, cut it out," said Lynne, before turning to her husband. "You too, Michael."

"Sorry," said Mr. Cimorelli, before looking at Elvis. "You know, Elvis, a place like this needs a name."

"Daddy?" asked Dani and Lauren, at the same time. "We have a name for the house."

"Well, girls, why don't you ask Elvis?" smiled their father.

"What if we call it 'Graceland?'" they said simultaneously again.

"Mighty fine name, little ones," smiled Elvis.

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