"I... will always... love you"

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"It's a beautiful day in Las Vegas, with lots going on this weekend!" said the radio DJ. Those teen sensations, the Jacksons, are causing a lot of excitement with their residency at the MGM Grand. And for the older crowd, Elvis is back for a fifth year! And don't we love him!" said a radio DJ.

"In entertainment news today, Elvis Presley is in talks to play opposite Barbra Streisand in a remake of 'A Star Is Born,'" said a newscaster.

"These days, when he's not slurring on stage in Vegas or playing the same old domestic concert circuit, the singer spends weeks at a time in his bedroom, tormented by his growing waistline. Sounds like it won't be much of a stretch for him to play the role of a washed-up singer," said another radio DJ.


Elvis, Vernon, and Lisa Marie were waiting for Priscilla and her parents to show up, so they could let Priscilla have her week with Lisa. They were meeting them at an airfield, because right after the drop off happened, Elvis had to fly to a venue out of town.

"Oh, look!" Vernon told his granddaughter, once here they pulled up. "Here they come!"

Vernon looked back to his son.

"Are you alright?" he asked, as he got out of the car.

"Yep," said Elvis, before cupping his daughter's little face in his hands and kissing her goodbye. "Alright, Daddy loves you. Bye, Baby."

"Come on, Baby," said Vernon, holding his hand out.

"Bye, Papa," said Lisa.

"Good girl," smiled Vernon.

"Bye. Bye, Baby," said Elvis, before the car door shut.


"Give me your hand," Vernon told his granddaughter, which she obeyed.

"Hi!" smiled Priscilla, as she walked towards her and Elvis' daughter.

"Here she is," chuckled Vernon.

"Hi, Baby. How you doing?" asked Lisa Marie's mother, before kissing her cheek, and looking back at Elvis, who was looking at the two of them from the car window. "Want to say goodbye to Daddy?"

"Bye, Daddy!" called Lisa Marie, as she waved her little six year-old hand.

"You're so good!" she said, before putting Lisa in the car and turning back to face Vernon. "Hi. How are you? How you doing?"

"We're ok," shrugged Vernon.

As the Lisa Marie's engines whirred, Priscilla decided to have a quick chat with her ex-husband. Getting into the car and sitting next to him, she braced herself, before telling him about something she set up for him.


"Hey..." whispered Elvis.

"Hi..." she whispered back.


"...How are you doing?" she asked, genuinely wanting to know.

How are you doing?" she asked, genuinely wanting to know

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