Gladys' Death

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Elvis had locked himself in his late mother's closet, sobbing his heart out, as he pushed his face as deep as he could into one of her dresses. 

The sound of his sobs could be heard from outside of Graceland

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The sound of his sobs could be heard from outside of Graceland.

"Oh, no!... No!... No!... Oh, no!... NO!"


As Vernon sat down on the staircase, sobbing, the Colonel walked back inside and stood in front of the widower.

"There are some fine folks from the press waiting outside. A few questions, pictures, and they will leave us alone."

"I can't get him to do anything..." sniffled Vernon.

"He trusted her like nobody else and now, she's gone and who does he have now?" asked Parker.

"Well... he trusts you," admitted Vernon, shakily. "C- can you talk to him?"

"Oh, no... It's not my place-"

"Can you do it, Colonel?" asked Vernon again. "We need your help now."


Elvis was still sobbing into one of his mother's dressed, while Lisa held her more than distraught best friend in her arms. Just then, the lock was picked from the outside and in walked Colonel Parker.

"Your daddy is doing the best he knows how, but he is overwhelmed. He needs your help out there."

"I can't go out there

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"I can't go out there. I just wanna stay here forever," Elvis sobbed, into the dress.

"Oh, my boy!" said the Colonel, solemnly. "No one could never replace her... but you listen to me. From this moment on, anything she would have done... I will carry out, in her name. When you are overseas, I will stay here at home... and I will work, and I will worry... Trust me."

Elvis nodded.

"Now, you go..." the Colonel trotted over and held his hand out, to help Elvis up from the ground. "...And you stand by your papa. You comfort him... you comfort him. Comfort your friends and your family and even your fans. Hmm?... Because if you don't do that... all that your mama has sacrificed for you... will be for nothing."

Elvis stood up, weakly, and embraced the Colonel into a hug. The Colonel was taken aback, but reluctantly hugged back.

"No matter what happens... you stay with me through thick and thin, ok?" asked Elvis, through his tears. "You're like a... like a father to me."



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"I needed to protect him... even from himself. My plan?... Elvis Presley would return a clean-cut, all-American boy... but... I did not consider the most dangerous thing of all... Love."


Gladys Love Presley

April 25th, 1912 - August 14th, 1956

Rest In Peace, Mrs. Presley

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