Polk Salad Annie

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The next morning, there was a press conference at the International.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the press, the king of rock and roll, Elvis Presley!" smiled the announcer.

Elvis walked out and the crowd cheered for him.

"No, I'm not the king," he blushed, before calling over another musician and friend of his

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"No, I'm not the king," he blushed, before calling over another musician and friend of his. 

"Hey, Fats

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"Hey, Fats. Mr. Fats Domino, ladies and gentlemen. This is the real king of rock and roll."

"Yeah, I'm somethin' else," shrugged Fats.


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"Elvis, what is your political standpoint?" asked a reporter.

"Honey, I- I'm just an entertainer. I have my own personal views on politics and I just prefer to keep that to myself."

"Do you think that other entertainers should keep their views to themselves?" she asked again.

"I- I don't know. As I said before, I'm just an entertainer. Also, it's none of my business to tell people what to do or... you know, how to live their lives."

"Elvis, what do you think about your fans and other people on Earth calling you 'The king of rock and roll?'"

"I love them for it and the thought is beautiful, but I- I can't accept this whole kingship thing. As far as I'm concerned, there's only one King."

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