The Million Dollar Quartet

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Lisa and Elvis were walking down the street, hand in hand, when Elvis stopped in his tracks and saw Sun Records across the street.

"'Chelle, look!" he told her, out of child-like excitement. "Can we go in and say "Hi" to Mr. Phillips and Ms. Keiser?"

"Babe, your parents said we gotta come home for dinner by-"

"Please?!" Elvis pouted, making his girlfriend giggle and kiss his cheek.

"Oh, alright," she smiled. "Come on, let's go in."



In the studio, Sam was in the booth, while three great musicians were jamming out. 

Johnny Cash

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Johnny Cash...



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Carl Perkins...



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And Jerry Lee Lewis.


Elvis and Lisa walked in, grabbing the attention of Jerry Lee, who was rocking out on the piano.

"Jerry Lee Lewis!" he stammered, reaching for Elvis' hand and shaking it, excitedly. "It's a real honor to meet ya!"

"Pleasure to meet you, Jerry! I'm Elvis Presley," smiled Elvis, before shaking Carl's hand. "Mr. Perkins, pleasure to meet you. I'm Elvis Presley."

"You too, kid," smiled Carl. "Please, call me 'Carl.'"

"Will do," he nodded, before introducing himself to Johnny. "Mr. Cash, sir. Pleasure to meet you. I'm Elvis Presley."

"Please, it's 'Johnny.' Pleasure's all mine."

That was when Sam walked out from the booth.

"Hey, E.P.!" he laughed, pulling him in for a hug. "What the hell are you doing here, pal?!"

"Oh, 'Chelle and I were passin' by, thought we'd come for a visit," he said, before turning to Lisa. "Mr. Phillips, you remember my girlfriend? Lisa Cimorelli?"

"I sure do. How are you, Lisa?" smiled Sam, kindly.

"I'm just fine, Mr. Phillips. How are you?" Lisa smiled back.

"Oh, I'm over the moon! I'm tellin' ya, you two comin' by has made my whole year!"

Jerry Lee stood up and walked over to Lisa, with awe in his eyes.

"Hi there, pretty girl. The name's Jerry Lee Lewis..."

"My sister's Christina Cimorelli."

Jerry ran back to the piano, in fear, while the others tried to contain their laughter.

"Hey, Elvis!" called Johnny. "Would you and your girl like to join us for a quick song?"

"'Chelle?" asked Elvis.

"Sorry, Mr. Cash," frowned Lisa, apologetically. "I'm trying to rest my voice, but Elvis could still join y'all!"

"Sounds great! Come over here, boy!" smiled Johnny, handing him a guitar.

"Lisa, can I borrow you for a quick second?" asked Sam.

Lisa nodded and followed Sam into the booth.


What was supposed to be one quick song, turned into a four hour jam session, which Sam didn't tell the four guys he was recording them. The biggest reason was because Elvis was no longer on his label, so he could get in trouble if he told anyone. During the jam session, the guys acted like long lost brothers and just clicked. Sam told Lisa to call a newspaper photographer and once he got there, he took this picture:

Years later, the recordings would be found and released, with the group of Elvis, Jerry Lee, Johnny, and Carl being dubbed "The Million Dollar Quartet

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Years later, the recordings would be found and released, with the group of Elvis, Jerry Lee, Johnny, and Carl being dubbed "The Million Dollar Quartet."

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