"Snowman strikes again"

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"London, Germany, Japan... Hulett here has got it all lined up," Jerry told Elvis and Priscilla, as he handed them both a blueprint of a jet plane. "Air Presley's new wings."

The Presley family, Cimorelli family, and Jerry were sitting in the living room. The Cimorelli girls were keeping Lisa Marie entertained, while the guys watched TV, and Priscilla and Elvis was talking with Jerry. Jerry had brought in Mike Hulett, a potential new manager for Elvis Presley. 

"You know, when you play stadiums, it's like... You do a week of shows in just one night and when it's done, you get on the plane..." started Hulett.

"You go where you want, you play where you want, and if they don't like it, you go someplace else," smiled Elvis, as he and Priscilla stood up and walked over to the different carpet samples for the plane. "You know who told me that? B.B. King."

"Well, B.B. Knows, man," agreed Hulett. "And the someplace else you should be going is overseas."

"I like that," Priscilla told Elvis, who pointed her to a certain sample of carpet

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"I like that," Priscilla told Elvis, who pointed her to a certain sample of carpet.

"You know, I heard last year alone, you had two offers." Hulett told Elvis. "Germany and Japan, for a million bucks for one night. I mean, why the colonel would turn that down, I have no idea, man."

"Well, if you figure it out, can you let us know?" asked Jerry.


"Well, screw him. You've got the plane now. You should use it," said Hulett.

"Yeah, come to Daddy," smiled Elvis, who picked Lisa Marie up. "You having a good time with your aunts?"

"Maybe we should call it the 'Lisa Marie,'" suggested Priscilla.

"That's a beautiful name," said Jerry.

"Right?" asked Priscilla.


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Meanwhile, in Las Vegas, the Colonel was gambling in a casino.

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