"Oh, you bloodsucking, old vampire!"

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The next morning, Elvis was waiting in the car for his father, but he didn't show up. The Cimorelli sisters came down. 

"What's the hold up?" he asked, groggily.

"Sorry, EP. Your daddy won't come down," said Charlie.

"You gotta be kiddin' me..." he muttered to himself, before getting out of the car and walking towards the elevator. "Come on, 'Chelle."

"Aaron..." she said. "He said he wants to see you alone."

Elvis looked concerned.

"We'll see you back in Memphis," she said, before giving him a quick peck on the cheek and hopping into her family's car.

As the Cimorelli's drove off to the airport, Elvis walked to the elevator


"Daddy." Elvis called, making his way back into his suite, seeing his father looking out onto the city.

Vernon nodded his son to a sheet of paper on top of the grand piano.

"What is this?" he asked, walking over to it and picking up the paper.

"Well..." sighed Vernon. "*That* is what we owe the Colonel."

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"...We're broke."

"Daddy, I've been playing this mausoleum for a hundred years. How could we be broke?"

"You spend so much money. You know, you got the cars and the girls and the clothes, and all the... You know, new airplane."

"Daddy, you are my business manager," Elvis told his father, through gritted teeth. "You're supposed to be taking care of business."

"I don't know what to tell you, Son! W- we're broke!" snapped Vernon. "We're plain broke. Gotta take the Colonel back."

"I am not taking him back."

"We're gonna lose Graceland!" cried Vernon.

Elvis walked over to the minibar and felt his blood boil.

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