The End

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AUGUST 16th, 1977

"I never thought I'd ever have to utter these words," said a news anchor, seconds before he was about to go live on the air.

"And we're live," said the cameraman, with sadness in his voice.

"Good evening," said the solemn news anchor. "Elvis Presley died today, he was forty-two. Apparently, it was a heart attack. He was found in his home in Memphis..."



The Cimorelli family stood around the TV, some with tears welling in their eyes. Their son, brother, and best friend, dead. 

"Thousands of mourners have gathered outside the gates of Graceland... The outpouring of grief can be seen everywhere," said another reporter.

"President Carter has released a statement."

President Carter's voice rang out from the TV.

"Elvis Presley's death deprives our country of a part of itself. He was unique and irreplaceable. More than twenty years ago, he burst upon the scene with an impact that was unprecedented and will probably never be equaled. His music and his personality, fusing the styles of white country and black rhythm and blues, permanently changed the face of American popular culture. His following was immense, and he was a symbol to people the world over of the vitality, rebelliousness, and good humor of his country."

The entire family hugged each other tightly and lovingly, as they all sobbed together, mourning the loss of someone who meant so much to them. Just then, the phone rang. 

"I'll get it," sniffled Lisa, as she wiped pouring tears from her eyes, before going into the other room to answer the phone.


Once she grabbed the phone and put it up to her ear, she felt her blood boil, once she heard the voice of the caller.

"I just wanted to call and say how sorry I am for your loss... I know my boy loved you and your family."

Lisa just scoffed.

"You've finally run him into the ground, didn't you?" she asked, bitterly. "You don't have the right to give us your condolences, you know why, you diabolical piece of crap?! Because you overworked him! He was your puppet, more than anything!"

"I- I did care for him-"

"Bull! You never cared for him!"

"Miss Chimera, pl-"

"It's Cimorelli, you rat!" Lisa growled, before hanging up.

Taking a few deep breaths to try and compose herself, Lisa ultimately failed, when she looked to her side, and saw a picture of her and Elvis, when they first met, on the wall. Breaking down into tears, she slid down to the floor, hiding her face in her hands.



Vernon stood in his, now, late son's bedroom, before he fell to the floor and sobbed. Before this moment, his heart was only partially broken. He'd lost his first son, Jesse, at birth, then his wife, Gladys, but now, with the loss of his second son, Elvis, Vernon's heart was broken. 

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