"Elvis has left the building!"

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As Mr. and Mrs. Cimorelli put up the tinfoil to cover Elvis from the sunlight that was shining in from the windows, everyone watched the newscast on the TV.

"Shock around the nation today as a free rock concert at the Altamont Speedway by English band, The Rolling Stones, ended with four deaths. One resulting from a stabbing, allegedly committed..."

"Elvis?" asked the nurse. "Dr. Nick is here."

She then walked out, as Colonel Parker put down the newspaper he was reading. The article was the same story that the newscast was talking about on TV.

"Such a lovely girl, Ms. Tate," sighed Parker. "What has happened to law and order in this country? Hippies and radicals, threatening and killing popular entertainers. The IRA blowing up England? Planes exploding in mid-air? Has the world gone mad? Hulett's security is not what it needs to be and he knows it. An international tour now is out of the question."

"What are you talking about, Colonel?" asked Elvis, as he laid in his hospital bed. "I ain't gonna let these sons of rats push me off the stage."

"Precisely!" snapped the Colonel. "You are not one of Hulett's long-hair Zeppelins, you are Elvis Presley. You are beloved, and I told him I have to look Priscilla in the eye and I have to promise her that little Lisa Marie's daddy will be safe while he's away from home."

"We're taking the show to the world, Colonel. I ain't gonna disappoint those fans," Elvis told his manager, sternly, as he took some pills Dr. Nick handed to him.

The Colonel sighed.

"Well... if you want to book more dates, we could do an American tour," he said. "Fifteen cities in fifteen days, while Mr. Hulett straightens out his security problems overseas."

"I'd like that very much, Son," said Vernon.

"How is that gonna be any safer?" asked a concerned Priscilla.

"Because staying in this country, I can handle every aspect of security."

"And then we go international?" asked Elvis, eagerly.

"Yeah, sure, around the world. Wherever you want," lied Parker. "But in the meantime, here in America, we put on a great show, and what will we do, Charlie?"

"And have a lot of fun," said Charlie.

"Taking care of business," said the Colonel.

"Taking care of business," echoed Vernon.

"I'll get guarantees from every mayor. We'll double the police presence. You'll have more security than the President. And when the show is done, the boys will hustle you to the motorcade. Once you're in the air, Dr. Nick will ensure your rest. Land in the next city, then we do it all again. Fifteen times!" the Colonel told his client.

With that, Elvis laid down and Dr. Nick put a towel over his eyes, to put him to sleep.


The tour was going very well. However, to calm the audience down after the show was over, a certain phrase was invented in order to do so.

"Elvis has left the building!" the announcer would tell the audience, at the end of every show.

Elvis, though, would not be wearing the same white jumpsuit as he did in Vegas. He'd be wearing red, blue, green, and sometimes black. One of them even had a tiger on it, as a reference to his song, "Tiger Man."

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