If I Can Dream

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"Standing by. We're seconds away, folks. We're just waiting on upstairs. We're gonna get a rehearsal going very shortly. Let's go, let's go, people! First positions! Here we go, from the top!" said the stage executive.


The Colonel was walking with the representatives from Singer to the control room.

"Mrs. Presley is quite the homemaker, Priscilla is, and I'm sure she would love to have one of the SK551 machines so she can knit Elvis'-"

"They were in there all night," a control man told Parker.

"Doing what?"

"He's working on a new song. He says he's singing it."

"New song?" asked the Colonel, before seeing a Christmas set through the control room's window. "Whoa, hey! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Yes! Gentlemen, take your seats. Now, that's a winter wonderland!"

The Colonel smirked somewhat rudely, as he walked over to Steve.  

"Mr. Bindle? You and I are on the same page at last."

"Bring up the lights on the sign," an unfazed Steve spoke into his headset.

"Ok, yeah. Let's go. Dancers, stop. Dancers, stop. Stop! Turn about. Turn about. You've got to get some roll. I got action on the right side. Turn around. Come on, through, through, through!"


Elvis stood in front of the big sign that spelled his name out of red lights.

Elvis stood in front of the big sign that spelled his name out of red lights

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The Cimorelli sisters were singing backup, along with other backup singers.

"There must be lights burning brighter somewhere,
Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue.
If I can dream of a better land,
Where all my brothers walk hand in hand,
Tell me why, oh, why, oh, why can't my dream come true?
Oh, why?

There must be peace and understanding sometime,
Strong winds of promise that will blow away all the doubt and fear,
If I can dream of a warmer sun,
Where hope keeps shining on everyone,
Tell me why, oh, why, oh, why won't that sun appear?

We're lost in a cloud,
With too much rain.
We're trapped in a world,
That's troubled with pain.
But as long as a man
Has the strength to dream,
He can redeem his soul and fly.

Deep in my heart, there's a trembling question,
Still I am sure that the answer, answer's gonna come somehow.
Out there in the dark, there's a beckoning candle, oh, yeah

And while I can think, while I can walk,While I can stand, while I can talk,While I can dream

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And while I can think, while I can walk,
While I can stand, while I can talk,
While I can dream...
Oh, please let my dream...
Come true...
Right now!
Let it come true right now!
Oh, yeah!"

Right now!Let it come true right now!Oh, yeah!"

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"Thank you

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"Thank you. Good night," panted Elvis, before he walked off stage.

After the cameramen stopped rolling, the whole sound studio broke into thunderous applause. Some people were even moved to tears by how much soul and emotion Elvis put into singing that song. Lisa was one of those people


Meanwhile, the Colonel looked down on his client, through the window in the control room. He was anything but happy.

"I was always said, when it came to music, my boy knows best... but the special was my idea. It was a tremendous hit. We was back on top... but some people were putting ideas into his head that he didn't need me no more."

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