"You have to let me go"

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Elvis had returned home and was sleeping, trying to get rid of a hangover, but was woken up, when Priscilla opened the blinds on him. The sunlight, hitting his eyes.

"Is that you, doll?" he asked, weakly.

"I'm leaving you," she said, seriously. "And I'm taking Lisa with me."

Lisa was already waiting in the car, but Priscilla had to grab a few more things. As she walked into the bathroom, Elvis groggily got up and walked up to her.

"Uh, 'Cilla, is this about what happens on the road?" he asked, slurring.

"About the what?" she said, not being able to understand him.

"The road," he said more clearly. "Is this about what happens on the road?"

"The girls? You think I give a rip about the girls that you sneak in through the side door? No, I couldn't care less about whoever it is you sneak through the side door," she said, honestly. "It's about this, Elvis! And this!" yelled Priscilla, as she threw multiple pill bottles at him.

"Hey! Whoa!" 

"And these darn pills those leeches and has-beens feed down your throat!"

"Dang it," muttered Elvis, as he followed her.

"Like you're strung out."

"Strung out?" cried a slurring Elvis. "Gosh darn, I'm in the best shape of my life!"

"Best shape of your life," she scoffed, as she made her way to the staircase. "The only time you're happy is when you're on that stage. And in between that, you're a ghost!"


"'Cilla, I give you everything you could want," he stated, as he followed her down the stairs.

"What I *want* is a husband. I am your wife. I am your wife!" she snapped, slamming her fist on the railing, before walking downstairs again. "And Lisa is your daughter. She needs a father!"

"I am her father!" Elvis called.

Once Priscilla was at the bottom of the staircase and Elvis was a few steps from said point, Priscilla spoke up, but failed to fight back tears.

"Do you remember the last time that we laughed together?" she asked, with a shaky voice. "Do you remember the last time that the three of us sat down and had dinner together?" she asked, before crying. "...You won't even make love to me anymore. I gift you my life... and I have nothing left in me to give you."

"...Do you still love me?" asked Elvis, hesitantly, not wanting to come across as desperate.

Priscilla subtly nodded, but obviously enough so that Elvis would see it.

"...When you're forty and I'm fifty... we'll be back together..." he said, fighting back tears. "...You'll see."

Priscilla walked up to him and gave him a hug, allowing Elvis to quietly sob, into her chest.

"I have to go," she said, sadly, kissing his cheek and forehead.

"Will you please stay?" begged a crying Elvis.

"I have to go. Ok? If I stay, I'll never leave."


"You have to let me go."

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