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A few weeks after Elvis' funeral, Vernon drove around Memphis, and gave family members and close friends things that he knew his son would want them to have. Each member of the Memphis Mafia got something that they each had their respective eyes on for a while, such an expensive pen, a knick knack, or one of Elvis' personal records from his collection. After making his second to last stop, Vernon got into his car and set course for Nashville.



All of the kids were at the parents' house for dinner that night. Christina was about to set the table, when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" she called out to her family members.


When Christina opened the door, she saw Vernon standing there, holding a cardboard box in both hands.

"Hi, Chris..." smiled Vernon, sadly.

"Mr.- Mr. Presley-"

"Now, Chris. How long have we known each other? Please, call me 'Vernon.'"

"Right, of course. Uh... would you like to come in?"

"No, no," Vernon declined, shaking his head. "I appreciate the thought, really, but I just came by to give y'all some things... Things that my son would want you to have."

Christina wiped her watering eyes with her sleeve.

"Uh, yeah. Ok, sure. Thank you," she sniffled, before calling everyone into the hallway. "Guys, Mr. Presley- I mean, Vernon's here!"

The rest of the Cimorelli family ran up to the man and they all embraced him in a hug.

"So, what brings you here, Vern?" asked Mike Sr..

"Vernon's got some things for us," Christina told her father.

Mr. Cimorelli was about to scold her, but Vernon stepped in.

"Now, now. It's alright. I told her to call me 'Vernon,'" he smiled, kindly. "And she's one hundred percent correct. I came by to give y'all some things that Elvis would want you to have."

The Cimorelli family solemnly nodded and received their gifts. The parents were given books, the brothers were given Elvis' collection of footballs and autographed jerseys, and the sisters were given a recording contract to Sun Records, the same studio that Elvis first started out at. Elvis had told Sam Phillips about Cimorelli and how incredibly talented they were. Not only that, but each and every one of them was given keys to a Cadillac, each car in each family member's favorite color. After everyone thanked and hugged Vernon, they all went to check on dinner, when Vernon stopped Lisa.

"Lisa?" he asked, cautiously, before handing her a record that said "To 'Chelle, Love Aaron" on it. "Elvis recorded this for you... he wanted to give it to you."

Lisa took the record, in awe, and looked at it.

"That's for you and you, only," smiled Vernon.

"Thank you, Mr. Presley..." she smiled, sadly.

"Call me 'Vernon,' please," he gently insisted.

Lisa and Vernon hugged, before Vernon left to go home, but this time, it was Lisa's turn to stop him.

"Vernon?" she asked, making him turn back and look at her. "Would you like to stay for dinner?"

Vernon smiled at her, sniffled, and nodded his head.



After dinner, Vernon had to go back to Graceland and finish up some work. Everyone had gone back to their respective houses. Lisa and Chad were asleep... at least, Chad was. Lisa tossed and turned for a few minutes, before sighing and making her way down to her music room.


Once in the room, Lisa grabbed her record player, along with the record that Elvis recorded for her and played it. The second she heard his voice, she started to tear up, but with a smile on her face. She was just happy to hear his voice again, but of course, she wished it wasn't over a record. She wished he was there.

"Hey, 'Chelle... it's Aaron... I wrote this song for you... hope you like it."

"I've been traveling over mountains,
Even through the valleys, too.
I've been traveling night and day,
I've been running all the way,
Baby, trying to get to you.

Ever since I read your letter,
Where you said you loved me true,
I've been traveling night and day,
I've been running all the way,
Baby, trying to get to you.

When I read your loving letter,
Then my heart began to sing.
There were many miles between us,
But they didn't mean a thing.

I just had to reach you, baby,
In spite of all that I've been through.
I kept traveling night and day,
I kept running all the way,
Baby, trying to get to you.

Well, if I had to do it over,
That's exactly what I'd do.
I would travel night and day,
And I'd still run all the way,
Baby, trying to get to you.

Well, there's nothing that could hold me,
Or that could keep me away from you.
When your loving letter told me,
That you really loved me true.

Lord above me knows I love you,
It was He who brought me through.
When my way was darkest night,
He would shine His brightest light,
When I was trying to get to you."

"I love you, Lisa... I always have... I always will. See you later."

When it was finished, Lisa stopped the record player and attempted to take a few deep breaths to calm her down, but she failed to do so. She just started crying into her hands. After a few seconds, she wiped her tears and nose, before looking up to the starry night sky, from her music room's window.

"I love you, Elvis," she smiled, missing her best friend.

The End.

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