"Right behind you, 'Chelle"

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"I put my boy's wiggling into the movies, I put his face on all sorts of toys and knick knacks, and called it... 'merchandise.'"



The Colonel held up a pillow in each hand, that each had Elvis' face on it

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The Colonel held up a pillow in each hand, that each had Elvis' face on it.

"Your face on every conceivable object, teddy bears, miniature busts-"

"Of questionable likeness," interjected Diskin, who was Parker's assistant.

"The Elvis Presley Game, something so the whole family can show their appreciation," said Parker, as he held a pin that said "I LOVE ELVIS" on it.

Parker then walked over to Dodger.

"Grandma Dodger, what is that behind your ear?" asked the Colonel, before pulling a pin from behind the woman's ear and making it "disappear."

"'I hate Elvis,'" read Gladys.

"Huh?" asked the Colonel.

"What was that, Mama?" asked Elvis

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"What was that, Mama?" asked Elvis.

Everyone in the room turned to face Gladys, who was holding a blue and white pin in one hand, while holding a lot of other items in her other hand.

Everyone in the room turned to face Gladys, who was holding a blue and white pin in one hand, while holding a lot of other items in her other hand

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