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Blurred lights, electronic music roaring.

 Han Shaozhou stretched out his hand to pour the wine, and the tight black shirt stretched out a tight and smooth muscle line on his shoulders and arms.

 He followed the Nanyang project for more than half a year, and finally handed in a good report card to the old man. This trip back to Chuanhai, the whole person's spirit suddenly relaxed.

 The bar is owned by Zhao Cheng, a good friend of Han Shaozhou. As a good buddy who flirted with cats and dogs during the crotch-opening period, as soon as Han Shaozhou came back today, Zhao Cheng immediately called him over for a drink.

 By the way, there are also Qin You and Jiang He who are rarely free and who can be regarded as a circle of friends.

 "You have accomplished so many major projects in Nanyang, the old man must be very happy." It was Qin You who spoke, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, with an elegant and gentle demeanor.

 "I'll be thankful if he doesn't scold me a few more words in the future." Han Shaozhou has a lazy expression, inheriting the advantages of his mixed-race mother. Under the light, his facial features have the three-dimensional sense of sharp and straight European and American men, and he is handsome and striking.

 Jiang He chuckled at the side and said, "Although the old man has a bit of a temper, I sincerely admire him for being able to correct you."

 Han Shaozhou has changed a lot in recent years, and his violent temper has subsided . The ruffian energy has also faded a lot, and I feel a little more stable and reliable.

 In the early years, people said that even if Mr. Han handed over the family property to his unmotivated grandson, the huge family business would be ruined by Han Shaozhou in a few years, but he didn't expect that Han Shaozhou had actually started to get on the road in the past few years .

 Han Shaozhou raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

 "The old man should start urging you to start a family. This is his biggest concern now."

 "Don't mention it, he urges you every time he sees me." Han Shaozhou raised his head to drink.

 "Oh, by the way, Old Han, I have something to ask you." Zhao Cheng leaned over suddenly, and asked with a godly smile, "Are you still a virgin?"

 Han Shaozhou almost sprayed the wine in his mouth on Zhao Cheng's face: " What kind of bullshit is this?"

 "I'm a serious old Han, you've been single for twenty-seven years, brother is worried about your health, do you know?"

 "No, I'm fine."

 "Since Wenci got married, I haven't seen anyone getting along with you. Why, is it true that you are waiting for Wenci to get divorced?"

 When Wenci was mentioned, the faces of several people changed a little. Qin You winked at Zhao Cheng , to signal him not to say any more.

 Everyone in the circle is familiar with Wenci, and everyone knows the years when Han Shaozhou pursued Wenci with great momentum, and they all still remember the night Wenci got married, Han Shaozhou got drunk and wailed at his friends like a little fool. : I will not give up, I have to wait, I have to wait for Wenci to get divorced...

 Wenci, a dignified and elegant handsome young man from a literary and artistic family, with his high-quality and perfect appearance, has captured a lot of licking dogs since he was a teenager, and Han Shaozhou is undoubtedly the most ferocious one among the licking dogs, and the most self-indulgent sacrifice is nothing more than 24 years of self-defense for diction.

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