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Because this is MTL, there are a lot of mistakes in translaion esp the name.

I'm just gonna put it down here:

Han Shaoyang/Shaofang = Han Shaozhou

Brother Yang/Fang = Brother Zhou


"I Only Like Your Face" Chapter 93

Han Shaoyang came in and out in a hurry, but the door of the room was not locked. Han Changzong knocked on the door and called several times. When he got no response, he had to gently push the door open.

 "No one is here?"

 Looking at the empty room, Han Changzong was confused. The next second he turned around and saw Han Shaofang walking out of the cloakroom with a hasty smile on his face.

 "Grandpa, you are here." Han Shaofang said.

 Han Changzong leaned slightly, looked behind Han Shaoyang, and asked in a low voice: "Is anyone inside?"

 Han Shaoyang nodded, stepped forward, hugged the old man, and walked out: "Let's go downstairs first, grandpa, wait. He got dressed and came down."

 Get dressed?

 Han Changzong narrowed his eyes, and Han Shaofang immediately realized that the old man was thinking wrongly. He probably thought that he and Mo Ming had just finished things inside.

 Han Shaoyang was about to explain, but Han Changzong nodded with satisfaction and said: "Okay, it seems that the relationship is good."

 Han Shaoyang: "..."

 Han Changzong called Han Shaoyang out of the room, and his usually stern face was full of red light at this moment: "It's my grandson's wife. Right."

 "...Hmm." Han Shaoyang scratched his brow with his fingers: "That's what I told you before, Mo Ming..." "

 You said you, but you didn't even tell me in advance. I didn't even give him a greeting gift when we met for the first time. Get ready."

 "It's okay, he doesn't care about this." "

 This can't be done casually. Tell me what Xiaomo likes, and I'll let someone buy it right now."

 "Grandpa, don't do this, we'll do it later. He's getting nervous." Han Shaofang said, "Just have a meal together. Don't ask questions at the dinner table later. If you have any questions, just ask me afterwards." Han Changzong laughed and said, "

 You kid , I started protecting my shortcomings even before I got married."

 At this moment, the bedroom door behind the two of them was pushed open.

 The grandfather and grandson subconsciously turned their heads to look.

 Mo Ming wore a well-dressed dark gray suit and a dark-striped tie on the chest. His legs were extraordinarily slender against his straight figure. He walked up to Han Changzong and said in a gentle and polite voice: "Hello, Director Han, my name is Mo." Ming is Brother Han's...boyfriend."

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