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Because this is MTL, there are a lot of mistakes in translaion esp the name.

I'm just gonna put it down here:

Han Shaoyang/Shaofang = Han Shaozhou

Brother Yang/Fang = Brother Zhou


"I Only Like Your Face" Chapter 75

Han Shaofang gave Mo Ming an address, and Mo Ming took the initiative to find it with another card.

 "What on earth are you like..." Han Shaofang could hardly move his eyes away from Mo Ming's face, as if missing even a second would give him a new understanding.

 "What you said..." Mo Ming said expressionlessly, "After we pay back the money, we will settle everything..." "...


 After changing the card, Mo Ming turned around and walked away without hesitation.

 Han Shaofang stood beside his car, looking at Mo Ming's back as the light snow gradually fell on his shoulders.

 It won't matter from now on...

 it won't matter?

 He stood stiffly on the spot, the card in his hand was pinched and deformed, his anger turned to ice, and it fell coldly on his chest.

 The next evening, Han Shaoyang received the investigation results from his subordinates.

 The understanding of Mo Ming was refreshed again.

 Mo Ming's assets far exceeded Han Shaofang's imagination. Four shops, three apartments, and a villa worth more than 100 million were sold in less than a month. That may be the origin of the nearly 200 million in cash in that card. , this does not include the fund financial products purchased and some investments in the field of medicine and new energy...

 Han Shaoyang was stunned when he heard the report from his subordinates, because he found that most of Mo Ming's assets and investments were related to Shengda, almost all of them. It has the footsteps of Han Shaoyang.

 Han Shaofang couldn't describe the shock in his heart at this moment. Mo Ming's money was actually earned by him step by step in the past three years.

 He once thought that Mo Ming was a cute and gentle dodder flower next to him. Now that he knew the truth, he only felt that Mo Ming was just missing him when he saw her, but he never thought about every investment he made in the past three years. Actuarial calculations were noticed by him consciously or unconsciously, and he kept them in mind... He took the money he gave him and made investments along with himself.

 He, Han Shaofang, has made tens of billions in the past few years. The people next to him silently followed him and made hundreds of millions silently...

 "Mr. Han, in addition, Mr. Mo also has shares in two network technology companies. ." On the other end of the phone, the subordinate continued, "It is also commonly known as the navy company. It mainly takes over entertainment public relations tasks and cooperates with most entertainment companies or artist studios, including Xingci Entertainment..." "..."

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