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Because this is MTL, there are a lot of mistakes in translaion esp the name.

I'm just gonna put it down here:

Han Shaoyang/Shaofang = Han Shaozhou

Brother Yang/Fang = Brother Zhou


"I Only Like Your Face" Chapter 100

Wen Ci did not see Han Shaoyang, but asked someone else to return the pair of rings, claiming that he had picked them up by chance.

 The company also found a new movie script for him, and finally he had to reduce his salary before he was qualified to participate.

 Shen Xixi was not as lucky as Wenci. Originally, a major female lead drama company strongly recommended her to star, but Xinan directly replaced her with another female artist from the company. The reason is simple. Xinan felt that Shen Xixi was not a malleable character. His talent, appearance and acting skills are not as good as those of the newcomers she wants to admire, and he is also overbearing and self-righteous. Now that the company has no support for him, she has no time to deal with it.

 Shen Xixi was particularly unwilling to be assigned to be a supporting role in a small online drama. If she was asked to start with a small role like other actors, how long would it take for her to become popular?

 Shen Xixi had a big argument with Xinan directly in Xinan's office: "I am the person that Chairman Shengda asked you to sign!"

 Xinan thought it was ridiculous: "Listening to your tone, people who don't know would think you are a director. Madam."


 "Miss Shen, either you ask the chairman to call the company in person, or you obey the arrangements obediently, or..." Xinan chuckled, her red lips parted lightly, "Go home and wait for the arrangements. When will I let you know, when will you be able to have a job?"

 She has been an agent for many years, and all the artists under her are respectful to her, regardless of their position, even her literary skills are no exception, but this one relies on the old man of the Han family. The thin-faced woman who just entered Xingci thought that she had an omnipotent support on her back, so she simply ignored her Xinan.

 She has no patience for this kind of dead girl who doesn't know where the world is. If she can't obediently make money for her, she won't have any good fruits to feed her in the future.

 Shen Xixi ran out of Xinan's office and found Wenci for help. She had signed a contract with Xingci for ten years. If she terminated the contract, she would have to pay a large sum of money, but if she continued to stay, she would definitely have to suffer a lot in the future. That old woman in Xinan If she doesn't like her, how can she be given good resources? She doesn't want to be a co-star for other actresses.

 Wen Ci bluntly told Shen Xixi not to come to him again. From now on, he would only focus on his own career and would not be able to help others around him.

 Shen Xixi cried and found her boyfriend Yang Guan. She wanted Yang Guan to intercede with Han Shaofang, or even asked Yang Guan to help him find the big guys in the circle to get resources. Although she looked down on Yang Guan's appearance and person, the Yang family in Sichuan Hai is also a famous wealthy family, and the Yang family has quite a lot of connections in the circle, otherwise she would not have been able to accept Yang Guan's pursuit.

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