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Mo Ming focused on driving, and the neon light outside the car window cast an ethereal halo on his clear side profile.

 It's heart-poundingly beautiful.

 The aftermath of the alcohol picked up, Han Shaozhou's mind was muddled, and he reached out to caress Mo Ming's face, but Mo Ming immediately reminded softly: "Brother Zhou, I'm driving."

 Han Shaozhou put down his hand and smacked his mouth: "I haven't seen you in a month. That 's weird."

 Mo Ming smiled, and silently glanced at Han Shaozhou through the looking glass.

 Following the street full of neon lights, the car finally drove into the underground garage of a high-end residential area.

 Mo Ming helped Han Shaozhou into the elevator, Han Shaozhou hugged Mo Ming's waist tightly while rubbing his face against Mo Ming's soft hair.

 Finally back at the apartment, before Mo Ming could change his shoes, Han Shaozhou reached out and grabbed his chin, kissing him against the entrance cabinet.

 The strong smell of alcohol instantly enveloped Mo Ming.

 With Mo Ming, Han Shaozhou never restrained himself.

 Probably because of drinking, and because he hasn't seen each other for a month, Han Shaozhou is a bit insignificant this time.

 It was useless for Mo Ming to beg for mercy, he held Han Shaozhou's head buried between his neck with all his strength, forcing him to raise his head.

 "I have a magazine to shoot tomorrow." Mo Ming panted, "Don't bite my neck."

 Han Shaozhou smiled: "Then I bite your thigh?"


 Han Shaozhou didn't have any eccentricities on the bed, but his physical strength was too terrifying, and he kept tossing until It didn't stop until after two o'clock in the morning, and when it was done, he carried Mo Ming to the bathroom, and almost lost control in the middle of the bath.

 I haven't done it for a month, it's weird.

 He is very rare for his little lover, he looks good and has a good figure, and his personality is like a little sheep, sensible and docile, and he doesn't seem to lose his temper when he is with him.

 After coming out of the bathroom, Mo Ming fell asleep as soon as he touched the bed. He was so tired that even his brows were furrowed in his dream, and Han Shaozhou habitually stretched out his hand to smooth it out.

 Han Shaozhou didn't feel sleepy at all, if it wasn't for Mo Ming's body being overwhelmed, he felt that he would be able to toss until dawn.

 Han Shaozhou got up and went to the open-air balcony outside the French window, lit a cigarette and smoked, picked up his phone and found that Zhao Cheng had sent him a few messages a few hours ago.

 [Zhao Cheng]: Lao Han, do you think I am dazzled? Why do I feel that your little lover, look a bit like that [bad smile]

 [Zhao Cheng]: [I understand you·jpg]

 [Zhao Cheng ]: To be honest, it's almost beyond the original [thumbs]

 [Zhao Cheng]: When you come back to drink next time, you must remember to bring Xiao Mo Ming with you [hehe laughing]

 Han Shaozhou: "..."

 He never talked about Mo Ming's existence with his friends, on the one hand, is unnecessary. After all, this kind of relationship is broken at any time, and it's not worth mentioning. The latter is annoyed by someone like Zhao Cheng, who sees the "truth" and deliberately entertains him.

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