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At six o'clock in the evening, the topic of [Wenci and Gaochen's Divorce] airborne to the top of the hot search list, and it was hotly discussed all over the Internet for a while, and the topic was so hot that it almost paralyzed the platform server.

 The topic started with Gao Chen's confession about his divorce from Wenci on his personal social account. In a short essay of 400 to 500 words, he expressed that he and Wenci had made peace in a calm and desolate tone. Regarding the divorce, he attributed the main reason for the divorce to personal incompetence, saying that he failed his partner's expectations.

 Although no longer in love, but will always respect each other.

 On Gao Chen's personal social account, apart from posting new songs or reposting the theme songs he wrote for some film and television dramas, he rarely publishes blog posts full of personal emotions. The overall style has always been the same as he used to feel. There is a sense of distance. The last time it was like this was the day before he married Wenci. The man who has always been known for his abstinence expressed an entire article about his expectations for marriage with his beloved and his determination to protect the marriage. A portion of dog food, a large number of Gao Chen's fans called the idol collapse.

 In just three years, the once talented, cold and aloof music superstar who went down the mortal world for love is now full of feelings of powerlessness over the vicissitudes of divorce. The blog post about showing love that was envied by the entire Internet was deleted at some point. Back then, netizens described the love as white as snow on the mountain, as bright as the moon between the clouds, and it ended like this, which is really embarrassing.

 This matter is more concerned by the people who eat melons than Xia Qing's matter before. Xia Qing's matter has now become a muddled account. Confused, it can't be compared with Wen Ci and Gao Chen, who was once a double-top performer in the entertainment industry and the music world, and also a love ethics dog-blood drama in which the powerful tycoon Han Shaozhou participated. In addition to the beginning and ending, almost all of them are in the attention of netizens.

 Half an hour after Gao Chen's blog post was published, Wenci's account forwarded it without any text response, only a small picture of [shaking hands], which officially marked the end of this love drama that was sensational both inside and outside the circle.

 Almost the whole Internet exploded, and a large number of netizens who don't like to pay attention to the entertainment industry in daily life also rushed to the "scene" of public opinion, all kinds of emotions and speculations...

 [What's the meaning of Gao Chen's essay? Saying that he failed his words, could it be that he cheated? ]

[Obviously Gao Chen did something wrong, otherwise he would be so humble, I support Wen Ci to hammer him.]

[Is there any evidence for what the hot commenters said? Didn't you see that they said it was a peaceful divorce? ]

[To be honest, I read what Gao Chen wrote, and I feel so distressed. He used to be such a cold person. Alas, marriage is more devastating than staying up late. ]

[Come on, upstairs, I retired from the circle and married him at the peak of my literary career, but after Gao Chen got married, he got stuck in the heart of the earth. Who is pitiful? Words make people feel more distressed, okay? ]

[Some people's words are really funny. Back then, Wenci took the initiative to pursue Gao Chen, okay? He pulled the lofty music legend down from the mortal world and then abandoned him during his career downturn. ]

[Gao Chen fans upstairs, it's so funny, do you really think your idol is a god? I think the worst thing Wen Ci did in his life was rejecting President Xiao Han's pursuit and choosing Gao Chen. If he chose President Xiao Han is already a nobleman living in Champagne Hill. ]

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