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Because this is MTL, there are a lot of mistakes in translaion esp the name.

I'm just gonna put it down here:

"Han Shaoyang/Shaofang = Han Shaozhou"

   "Brother Yang/Fang = Brother Zhou"


"I Only Like Your Face" Chapter 35

The corners of Han Shaofang's mouth twitched slightly, and finally he narrowed his eyes slightly, waiting for Mo Ming's reply.

 Did this little thing just happen to see the message, or was he online from beginning to end, and only suddenly became interested when he saw the red envelope.

 If it's the latter, it's obviously something that needs to be dealt with. It would be stupid to love money more than the donor. Han Shaofang, as big as him, is worth much more than this red envelope.

 Moreover, this little red envelope is not even a fraction of the market value of the antique dagger on it. This guy loves money so little.

 Han Shaofang thought about it for a while and didn't bother to worry about this kind of thing. It was rare for him to flirt with Mo Ming on his mobile phone.

 [Han Shaoyang]: What are you doing? After

 waiting for a long time without seeing a reply, Han Shaoyang continued typing.

 [Han Shaofeng]: Do you want a red envelope

 ? Boom, the reply came.

 [Little boy]: Taking a bath [Cat blinks·jpg]

 Han Shaoyang stared at the word "bath", and then looked at the innocent cat emoticon, his throat was dry, and his heart felt like a cat's claws scratching him.

 [Han Shaofang]: Look at

 [Xiaoguai]: [Photo]

 Han Shaofang: "..."

 It was obviously taken temporarily while leaning in the bathtub. The only thing that appeared in the photo was a right leg that was so white and delicate that it was dazzling, lifted out of the water. It was placed on the edge of the bathtub. Except for the base of the legs, which were not in the foamy water, the rest of the long legs came out. The round and lovely toes seemed to be curled up in embarrassment, and they were wet and stained with some white foam.

 Those nights suddenly flashed through his mind... Han Shaofang took a deep breath, leaned back with his eyes closed, and put an arm over his eyes.

 Damn, it's on fire.

 "Mr. Han, are you feeling unwell?" the co-pilot's assistant asked concernedly.

 Han Shaoyang quickly crossed his legs to avoid being noticed, and said calmly: "It's okay." He

 just felt uncomfortable with a fever all over his body.

 That guy is simply...

 How can he flirt with her? This little guy is so good at seducing him. He can hit the point with one step, and he can't flirt with her at all!

 Now the tricks are getting bigger and bigger.

 Han Shaofang was a little tired and planned to go back to the hotel to wash up and rest, but now when he looked at the photo, he felt like he was getting a dose of chicken blood every time he looked at it.

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