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    Zhao Cheng didn't close his mouth in shock, and subconsciously wanted to ask in detail, Cai Zhao interrupted him: "Xiao Yang, you care about your Brother Han."

 Yang Guan smiled naively: "Brother Han has always been my brother . An idol."

 "So you brought your little girlfriend to meet Shao Zhou in advance?"

 "No, I just brought Xixi to see the world." Yang Guan shook his girlfriend's hand, "She just entered the showbiz , I don't want her to be wronged, so I hope everyone can give me face, for Xixi..."

 "How much face do you have." Zhao Cheng smiled but was not polite, "Wait for you and this little girl Xixi If you are married, maybe everyone can help his granddaughter-in-law for the sake of your old man, and stop raising one and flying the other like before."

 Zhao Cheng and the others all love Yang Guan's heart-pounding love affairs that all ended without a problem. I know, this kind of short, ordinary-looking, rich, brainless, and irresponsible second-generation idiot, but any ambitious woman will not fall in love with it. The only two possibilities are that the other party is a lover like Yang Guan. brain, or there is a pursuit of interests.

 After being dumped by women so many times, but still not making any progress, Zhao Chengcheng didn't bother to talk to him.

 Yang Guan's face was already unhappy, he stretched out his hand to pour the wine, and muttered: "Anyway, Brother Han is here, I will tell Brother Han, and I won't look for you."

 Zhao Cheng was laughed angrily, and he got up and sat down on Yang Guan's side, he reached out and patted Yang Guan's shoulder, and raised his chin towards the opposite side: "Xiao Yang, look over there, do you know who he is?"

 Yang Guan raised his eyelids and looked: "Who is it?"

 "He is Lao Han's love for three years." Zhao Cheng's voice was low, but he deliberately let the woman next to Yang Guan hear clearly, "Old Han loves him, and he specially told us to take good care of him before we arrived. I'm afraid he will be wronged a little."

 Yang Guan was stunned, and Shen Xixi who was beside him also looked at him in surprise.

 Mo Ming just drank a couple of cups while no one was paying attention, and now his face was red, but he still sat down and chatted with Qin You, not paying attention to the movement on the other side.

 "Are you kidding Brother Zhao? How, how is it possible? I've never heard of it."

 "I have to report to you what Lao Han does." Zhao Cheng glanced past Yang Guan, and fell on Shen Xixi's face meaningfully. "People who don't matter, those who want to build a relationship, don't worry, no matter how big the bend is, you won't be able to kiss together."

 Shen Xixi didn't listen carefully to what Zhao Cheng said, and was still looking thoughtfully at Mo Ming.

 He is very young, he looks good, but he wears ordinary clothes. She was too nervous when she first came in and didn't pay attention, but now if you look at that face carefully...

 "Brother Han doesn't know how to get divorced, right?" Yang Guan suddenly He said in a low voice, "If you know this, will you..."

 "You can shut up, no matter what Lao Han thinks about Wenci now, at least he has someone around him now, so don't give me a bad atmosphere tonight."

 Actually Zhao Cheng also murmured in his heart, if Wen Ci is really divorced, then according to Han Zhao Cheng didn't close his mouth in shock, and subconsciously wanted to ask in detail, Cai Zhao interrupted him: "Xiao Yang, you care about your Brother Han."

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