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Because this is MTL, there are a lot of mistakes in translaion esp the name.

I'm just gonna put it down here:

"Han Shaoyang/Shaofang = Han Shaozhou"

   "Brother Yang/Fang = Brother Zhou"


"I Only Like Your Face" Chapter 40

After getting in the car, Han Shaoyang took out his cell phone and found that Zhao Cheng had sent a message asking him to go drink.

 I haven't gone to Zhao Cheng's place to drink and relax for a few days. Han Shaoyang thought to himself and called Mo Ming. On the phone, he asked Mo Ming to go to Zhao Cheng's place with him.

 "I just had a full meal at home, and I'm not going anywhere..." His waist was still so sore that he couldn't straighten up. Mo Ming felt that his legs were shaking when he saw Han Shaoyang now.

 This man was really shameless last night...

 His voice was murmuring. As soon as Han Shaoyang heard it, he knew that the little guy on the other end was still complaining, so he stopped asking and said with a smile: "Okay, then Brother Yang promises to be ten thousand." I'll go back and be with you before midnight."

 After saying that, Han Shaoyang felt a little weird.

 While he was having fun outside, he even made a special promise to his little lover that he would come home late. This... was just like his strict wife control after marriage.

 It's really a bit baffling.

 "It's been a day of sleep. Then don't go to bed too early tonight, wait until I get back." Han Shaofang added, "I'll have a surprise for you when I get back." Mo Ming's voice suddenly sounded aggrieved and nasal: "I don't want

 sexy pajamas... "

 No, it's different from last time." Han Shaoyang coughed lightly and said quickly. "This time it's a different surprise, something else."

 Mo Ming's voice suddenly became brighter, "Then I'll wait for Brother Yang to come back."


 In the bar...

 As soon as Zhao Cheng saw Han Shaoyang, he went up and put his arms around Han Shaoyang's shoulders, smiling. He walked up to him and said, "Old Han, I have met true love."

 "What do I think is a rare thing? Don't you meet him every now and then?"

 "This time is different."

 Zhao Cheng told Han Shaoyang enthusiastically that he I met this true love at the end of last month. Her name is Xiaomei. She is a violinist in an opera orchestra. She has a pure and charming appearance and a quiet and elegant personality. Anyway, according to Zhao Cheng’s praise, Han Shaofang can’t figure out why such an outstanding girl He would fall in love with a romantic dandy like him, Zhao Cheng.

 But Zhao Cheng told Han Shaofang that he was sincere this time. He had no resistance to a talented girl like Xiaomei who was innocent and melancholic. The more he looked at her, the more he fell in love with her. He had just caught her last week, and after a few days of dating, he had already I couldn't help but fell into it.

 "She also really loves me, I can feel it." Zhao Cheng drank a glass of wine, leaned on the sofa and exhaled the smell of alcohol, "I feel that when she looked at my face, her eyes were so affectionate that they turned into a puddle of water. ."

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