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I Only Like Your Face" Chapter 31

Back in the box, Xia Xiaotang held her boyfriend's face and looked carefully at the thin blood marks scratched by the nails, her eyes red with distress.

 "It's okay. The rough skin and thick flesh will be healed overnight." Qi Yue said with a smile, "Why don't you ask for it back from me? That slap was really hard." Xia Xiaotang burst into laughter and turned to Mo Ming again:

 "Mo Ming, you were so cool just now. I usually see you keep quiet, but you controlled the scene with two words. I was a little scared when I saw that woman calling out so many people at once. I didn't even think about it at that time. When I realized there was surveillance, I was afraid that that wretched man would confuse right and wrong."

 "They still have basic judgment skills." Mo Ming said softly... Anyone who can appear in such a high-end restaurant will definitely not be some unruly barbarian. , At the very least, they all want to save face.

 "I didn't expect that Wen Ci would appear to rescue those two people, and Han Shaozhou would appear one after another. I was a little dumbfounded." Qi Yue said.

 "No wonder that woman is so arrogant and dares to support Han Shaoyang with Wen Ci." Xia Xiaotang was still frightened and said to Mo Ming, "You just talked to Wen Ci like that. I was sweating for you. Han Shaoyang was standing next to me. I was afraid He came up to stand up for Wen Ci, and he said..."

 Xia Xiaotang's eyes were full of worry: "You have offended them, will they retaliate against you in the future?"

 "I don't think they are that kind of people." Mo Ming said gently.

 Qi Yue nodded thoughtfully: "This word seems to be quite polite. He should not be a narrow-minded person. As for Han Shaozhou, I have been talking to Mo Ming for a few years, so I won't be in trouble for my sweetheart..."

 Xia Xiaotang gave a fake cough and Duan Qiyue...her stupid boyfriend opened Mo Ming's wound with a few words. As soon as the words came back, Han Shaozhou dumped Mo Ming. This also verified the speculation of the people on the Internet. Han Shaozhou had indeed used Mo Ming as a substitute. , Xia Xiaotang remembered that Han Shaoyang had told her that he was Mo Ming's boyfriend before, and thought of tonight, and almost felt a sore nose on Mo Ming's behalf.

 Scumbags, those who treat people as substitutes are scumbags, super scumbags...

 Mo Ming couldn't help but lower his head and sneeze twice.

 Xiao Song stood up and wanted to push up the window that was always flooded with drafts. Xia Xiaotang simply suggested: "Let's change to another restaurant. When I think of being in the same restaurant with that wretched man, I lose my appetite."

There are private rooms on the same floor that are not far apart . At such a distance, there was a high chance of bumping into each other when they went out. She didn't want Mo Ming to meet Han Shaozhou and Wen Ci again after finishing her meal and going out... That scene was really hurtful to Mo Ming.

 Qi Yue supported his girlfriend: "Let's change houses and eat more easily. Let's go, Xiao Song Mo Ming, let's go have hot pot, my treat..."

 Mo Ming and Xiao Song didn't object, picked up their coats and got up to leave.

 "Xiaotang." Mo Ming reminded warmly, "Go to the boss and ask for a copy of the corridor surveillance video."

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