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   It was past nine o'clock when we arrived near the shooting location.

 Han Shaozhou asked the driver to wait there, then put on a mask and got out of the car alone. A man with a work ID on his chest came to ask Han Shaozhou's identity, and Han Shaozhou said he was Mo Ming's friend.

 "Mo Ming?" The man frowned, "I don't know, our studio doesn't let non-staff come in, you wait outside."

 Han Shaozhou picked up his phone and was about to call Mo Ming again. The man glanced at him and said calmly: "There are so many stars in our crew, and the filming is very confidential. Not just any 18th line friend can be included. Don't bother, just wait outside."

 Han Shaozhou raised his eyes and looked at man coldly.

 The man was startled, and wanted to say something, but in the end he just gave a disdainful "cut". He has been on the set for several months, and he has long been used to this kind of outsider who wants to rely on his relationship to come in and see something new. He can still let a good friend go, and a friend who is stupid can still ask for this privilege.

 Han Shaozhou turned around and walked aside, and dialed Mo Ming's phone number.

 He also knows that the entertainment industry is a circle of worshiping the high and stepping on the low, but it is enough to annoy him to hear that someone who is not well-known is belittled like this.

 What the hell, dare to say that his Mo Ming is 18th line.

 It was Xiao Song who answered the phone again. When Xiao Song heard that Brother Z was already outside the set and wanted to come in, his head suddenly became dizzy.

 "This crew does not allow outsiders to enter, let alone Brother Mo's friends, some artists with bigger wrists than Brother Mo are not allowed to bring people in." Xiao Song didn't know how to call this "Brother Z", so he said politely, " Brother, you go back, and I will ask Brother Mo to call you back after the play..."

 Xiao Song didn't say anything, Han Shaozhou hung up the phone impatiently, and his heart was even more upset.

 After so many days of business trip, it took so much effort to take a look at my beautiful love.

 Han Shaozhou found Liu Hekun's phone number from the address book.

 Almost all of Liu Hekun's films Shengda has invested in, including the current filming of "The Broken Sword". In addition, Liu Hekun is Cai Zhao's friend, and Han Shaotong and Liu Hekun also have a little friendship.

 "...I was outside, stopped by your staff... Well, I'm sorry, Director Liu."

 Han Shaozhou hung up the phone, and Liu Hekun's assistant ran over after a while, greeted Han Shaozhou, and hurriedly apologized with a smile: "Sorry, no Sorry, we must not have recognized Mr. Han, you, don't you have sharp eyesight, this one is..."

 "Okay." Han Shaozhou interrupted him, "I just came to see, as for you."

 Han Shaozhou turned his head Looking at the man with a restless expression...he still couldn't realize who the man wearing the mask was, but seeing that the director's assistants treated him so respectfully, he knew that this man's background was not simple, just when he thought this man was going to let him When he lost his job, he only heard him say to himself in a deep voice: "Mo Ming is not 18th line."

 After speaking, Han Shaozhou lifted his feet and left.

 Taking advantage of the intermission, Liu Hekun specially went to greet Han Shaozhou who came in, and he was not unfamiliar, and affectionately called Han Shaozhou Xiao Han.

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