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Because this is MTL, there are a lot of mistakes in translaion esp the name.

I'm just gonna put it down here:

Han Shaoyang/Shaofang = Han Shaozhou

Brother Yang/Fang = Brother Zhou


"I Only Like Your Face" Chapter 64

"Cousin, Brother Han really likes you..." Shen Xixi said, "HW, isn't it the initials of your names?" Wen

 Ci took out a small diamond ring and held it on his fingertips to take a closer look. Beautiful diamond Reflecting the brilliant light, the letters on the ring made his eyes slightly confused: "But, he is obviously still with that Mo Ming..."

 Shen Xixi said with a smile: "This is the second thing I want to say. Brother, Brother Han and Mo Ming have broken up."

 Wen Ci was slightly startled and looked at Shen Xixi: "How do you know?"

 "Yang Guan told me that he accidentally learned from Zhao Cheng that it was also Brother Han's birthday. We broke up that day. I asked why I didn't wait until Mo Ming arrived at the scene..."

 "Why did we break up?"

 "I haven't heard of this, but it was not just because we didn't like it." Shen Xixi said, "They were originally. We were together because of our cousins, and the delay in breaking up until now was probably because of Brother Han's soft heart. To be honest, I almost thought that Brother Han had been in love with this Mo Ming for a long time, but looking at it now, Brother Han is still sober and knows that he What do you really want?"

 Wen Ci pursed his lips and slowly put a ring on the middle finger of his left hand. The ring was slightly tight, but it could still fit on the root of the finger. He raised his hand to face the sunshine outside the window and admired the fingers. diamond ring.

 "On my birthday four years ago, he told me that if I could be with him, he would be willing to take half of the Han family as a betrothal gift, and would even marry into my family... I have always known how much he loves me." Shen Xixi mouthed After looking

 around, I was really shocked... half of the Han family, that's incredible.

 Wen Ci took off the diamond ring from his finger and put it back into the ring box.

 "I don't like diamonds..." Wen Ci said softly, "But I like this unique love..."

 "I just don't know how long Brother Han has been preparing this diamond ring." Shen Xixi said thoughtfully, "Is it possible? It was prepared three years ago, and I have been keeping it on my body waiting to be given to my cousin."

 Wen Ci placed the small red box on the bay window sill next to the sofa chair, and said calmly: "Let me ask you, does anyone know that you picked this up? ?"

 "For now, you are the only one, cousin."

 Just after returning to Sichuanhai, the old man called.

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