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Because this is MTL, there are a lot of mistakes in translaion esp the name.

I'm just gonna put it down here:

Han Shaoyang/Shaofang = Han Shaozhou

Brother Yang/Fang = Brother Zhou

"I Only Like Your Face" Chapter 72

At nearly three o'clock in the morning, the store was being cleared and ready to close. The staff went into the office to clean up, only to find that their boss had not left yet.

 Zhao Cheng sat on his office chair and looked at his cell phone with a solemn expression, as if he was paying attention to some shocking gossip.

 Seeing the employee come in, Zhao Chengcai came back to his senses, raised his head and asked thoughtfully: "What would you do if you found out that the person next to you just regarded you as a substitute for another person?"

 The employee was obviously stunned. Next, but seeing that his boss looked so serious, he replied seriously: "Then break up." "

 The premise is that you have been together for three years." Zhao Cheng's face was complicated, "And emotionally, you are already single. I'm stuck in it."

 "Three years..." The employee took the role of himself and immediately said angrily, "I won't be able to untie this knot for the rest of my life. I will definitely settle the score with her." "

 Set... the score?"

 Zhao Feeling a sudden chill in his heart, he immediately stood up, picked up his coat and ran outside quickly.

 It had been a while since he made that phone call to Han Shaoyang.

 After leaving the house, Zhao Cheng called Han Shaofang, but no one answered.

 After getting in the car, Zhao Cheng called Mo Ming again.

 At three o'clock in the morning in the Sichuan Sea, even the wind is silent.

 When Mo Ming was woken up by the sound of the phone, he was so sleepy that he didn't even open his eyelids. When he put the phone to his ear, he heard Zhao Cheng ask hurriedly on the other end: "Xiao Mo Ming, has Lao Han gone to find you?" "

 ...Brother Zhao?" Mo Ming was still confused, "What happened?" As

 soon as Zhao Cheng heard the voice, he knew that Mo Ming had just woken up. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Little Mo Ming, What is your relationship with Zhou Xu, the singer who died three years ago? Now it is said on the Internet that you two were lovers, is it true?"

 In the darkness, Mo Ming slowly opened his eyes.

 "When you were with Lao Han, could it be because Lao Han had a face similar to Zhou Xu?" Zhao Cheng paused and then said, "Whether it is true or not, when Lao Han asks you, you must No, the resemblance between the ex and the current face may be due to personal aesthetics, right?"

 Outside the bedroom, the doorbell of the apartment suddenly rang.

 The little boy in the living room was woken up and barked twice.

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