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  After "The Broken Sword" was finished, Xia Qing was suspended from work for a week by her agent, watching all the troubles about Xia Qing on the Internet.

 Xia Qing's public relations team prepared several contingency plans for this matter. After Xia Qing's company promptly and effectively blocked and suppressed the incident that night, no word of it leaked to the Internet. However, as Xia Qing's manager, Chen Li is still not completely relieved, because Mo Ming has not taken the initiative to negotiate with him.

 The silence at the end of the day was like a sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of Xia Qing and the others, until after a week of calm, when Xia Qing resumed work, the sword was finally chopped off with the force of thunder.

 It was eight o'clock on Saturday night, and a newly registered trumpet posted an article accusing Xia Qing of various evil deeds on the Internet.

 What shocks people the most is not the bloody written narrative, but the seven or eight clear illustrations below.

 A surveillance video of the hotel corridor, clearly showing Xia Qing carrying a drunken man in a trance into the room. There are also screenshots of the phone alarm records, photos of the police receiving the alarm, and the poster claiming that after he woke up and called the police, Xia Qing, in a panic, sent him a hush money of 100,000 yuan, just after his call to the police, and there were two screenshots of the chat at the end, which were Xia Qing teasing and humiliating him with unsightly words, asking him to open a room but being rejected. He sternly refused...

 The veins on Xia Qing's forehead were throbbing when he read the black and white text upside down, but after reading these pictures, his heart fell to freezing point.

 When these so-called illustrations are connected together, they really form an almost impeccable logical chain.

 Xia Qing naturally knew that the person who posted this post was Mo Ming. He was shocked and angry, but he was also puzzled. If Mo Ming wanted to hype him up, why did he hide his identity?

 In this post full of pictures and texts, the poster expressed painfully that he gave up pursuing the investigation because of fear, and finally resolved it through misunderstanding, but what happened that night caused a great psychological shadow on him, and he has suffered unspeakably for many days. He was in such a trance that he could barely fall asleep with drugs. In order to prevent another victim like him from appearing in the circle, he decided to stand up and expose Xia Qing's true colors.

 Xia Qing is a current traffic celebrity, and this post was published at the peak of traffic at 8 o'clock on Saturday night, and it directly became a trending search.

 The major social entertainment platforms exploded directly!

 Xia Qing's mind was blank, his hands and feet were cold, he was so angry that he almost wanted to drop his phone, when his manager called, and when he answered the phone, he almost cried out for grievances.

 "It's all fucking nonsense, that bitch, bitch, I'm going to kill him!"

 Chen Li didn't have time to appease Xia Qing, and asked in a deep voice, "Leaving aside the other photos, those two chat screenshots What's going on, last time I saw that your phone didn't have those conversations."

 "Fake! I didn't talk to him about those at all, it's edited picture!" Xia Qing said hastily.

 "Are you sure? You'd better not lie to me at this time."

 "I'm sure, I guarantee with my life that those two chat screenshots are fake. What you see is what you see."

 "Okay, I see." On the other end of the phone, Chen Li turned his head and ordered the team to do things.

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