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Because this is MTL, there are a lot of mistakes in translaion esp the name.

I'm just gonna put it down here:

Han Shaoyang/Shaofang = Han Shaozhou

Brother Yang/Fang = Brother Zhou


"I Only Like Your Face" Chapter 59

Mo Ming carried the tea set and walked quickly without eating the red bean pie in his hand.

 Until he turned the corner and disappeared from the alley, Han Shaoyang couldn't wait for Mo Ming to turn around. He followed him belatedly. Not far after leaving the alley, he saw Mo Ming not far away getting into the car he drove over earlier. A white car.

 The car slowly drove out of the parking space, drove onto the road next to it, and disappeared at the end of the road in a moment.

 Han Shaoyang still stood there confused.

 If he hadn't known that Mo Ming had prepared a birthday gift for him, he could hardly convince himself that Mo Ming was just getting angry with him at this moment.

 The pair of eyes that always looked at him affectionately in the past were so peaceful just now, like an ordinary friend, gentle, polite, but also unfamiliar.

 After getting in the car, Han Shaofang took out the red square leather box from his pocket and glanced at the pair of exquisite platinum diamond rings inside again. There was a slight bitter taste on the tip of his tongue. His mood had been changing over the past few days. Did Mo Ming suffer from it? He didn't know the lesson he had learned, but he felt as if he had made an eighteen-turn mountain road. He was exhausted physically and mentally from being tortured, and he was still confused at this moment.

 Forget it.

 Stop arguing from now on and live a good life with the little guy.

 The confusion and uneasiness hidden deep in my heart continued vaguely until the night of my birthday.

 Han Shaofang booked Zhao Cheng's venue to hold a drinks party. Many princelings he had interacted with in the past came, all of them young second and third generation people of the same generation, and the place was very lively.

 Due to work reasons, he had not been able to celebrate his birthday seriously in a few years. Han Shaoyang suddenly found that he didn’t like such noisy nightclubs and drinking parties anymore. In the early years, he had been involved in all kinds of excitement. After working for several years, he also had pleasant people around him. It seems that he prefers simpler and lively things.

 After half-drinking and greeting a group of friends for a while, Han Shaofang began to look towards the entrance of the hall not far away from time to time.

 He specifically told the security guard at the door that if Mo Ming came over, he would let him go directly.

 It's been so long...

 "Old Han, why hasn't Mo Ming come yet?" Zhao Cheng came over and asked Han Shaofang, "The cake will be served soon." Shortly after the opening ceremony,

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