102 [Extra]

370 10 2


Because this is MTL, there are a lot of mistakes in translaion esp the name.

I'm just gonna put it down here:

Han Shaoyang/Shaofang = Han Shaozhou

Brother Yang/Fang = Brother Zhou


"I Only Like Your Face" Chapter 102 Extra

"The Best Actor at the 19th Bird Awards is——"

 "Mo Ming!"

 The host finished his words, and the audience burst into applause.

 The camera lens quickly focused on Mo Ming who was sitting among the guests. On the big screen behind the award podium, Mo Ming, who was in clear focus, stood up from his seat, dressed in a noble and elegant black suit. After hugging Liu Hekun beside him, he walked towards the audience in front of everyone. The podium.

 Han Shaofang looked at that slender figure, his eyes full of enthusiasm and refused to look away for a moment. He deliberately finished his work and rushed back early, just to witness this glorious moment of his beloved.

 He also awarded an award to his little boy as he wished...

 with thunderous applause, he handed the trophy to Mo Ming, smiled and said softly: "Congratulations, Mo Ming..."

 Mo Ming looked at the handsome man in suits and ties in front of him. An arc formed at the end of his eyes: "Thank you..."

 The lights on the stage turned into countless stars and shone in the depths of Mo Ming's pupils, reflecting the unusually handsome face so close at hand. Han Shaoyang looked at it in bewilderment. For a long time, his eyes almost completely sunk in.

 The love in my heart seems to never end, becoming stronger and more cautious every moment... In

 this awards ceremony, [Temperature] had no intention of becoming the biggest winner. Afterwards, Liu Hekun invited guests to lead a group of people to sing. celebrate.

 The lively celebration didn't end until midnight.

 As soon as he came out, the cold winter wind came on his face, blowing away the heat brought by the alcohol on his face, and Mo Ming felt much more awake.

 A friend came over and whispered, "Mo Ming, is that person over there your friend?"

 Mo Ming looked in the direction of his friend's finger and saw a tall, familiar figure next to a black Aston Martin not far away. The figure was leaning there, wearing a slim-fitting black windbreaker and a scarf and a mask. Only a pair of sharp eyes were exposed, but the gaze he looked at was gentle.

 "Well, he's here to pick me up."

 After waving goodbye to his friend, Mo Ming turned around and walked towards the figure.

 At midnight in the cold winter, the cold wind was like a knife. Not far away, the tip of Mo Ming's nose turned red again from the cold.

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