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   As soon as he heard the word "bath", Mo Ming trembled all over, and suddenly he was mostly awake.

 He will have dinner with his teacher Qi Yue and the others tomorrow night. If he tosses hard tonight, he might end up laying down all day tomorrow. Now he wants to raise his hand and surrender to Han Shaozhou who is constantly playing tricks on that aspect.

 "I've washed it, Brother Zhou, put me down."

 Mo Ming wanted to escape from Han Shaozhou's arms, but was held tightly by Han Shaozhou's muscular arms. It's no different from being coquettish, even the voice is soft and nasal, and Han Shaozhou's evil fire is slowly accumulating in his body.

 Before the bathtub was filled with warm water, Han Shaozhou had to put the person in his arms down first, but when Mo Ming touched the ground with his feet, he turned and trotted out of the bathroom and fled into the bedroom. When he got into bed, he wrapped himself tightly in a thin quilt.

 In time to pour warm water into the bathtub, Han Shaozhou came to the bedroom without haste, looked at the bulge on the bed, sat on the edge of the bed and stretched out his hand to shake it.

 "Don't take a bath." Mo Ming's protest came from under the quilt, but his voice was too low, and it sounded lacking in momentum.

 Han Shaozhou chuckled lightly: "Then why don't you show Brother Zhou?"

 Mo Ming grabbed the corner of the quilt and slowly revealed half of his face. Because he just woke up, his dark eyes were hazy and lazy, and his eyelashes were drooping. Looking at Han Shaozhou innocently, he said in a low voice, "My body hasn't recovered yet."

 Han Shaozhou was very irritable when he saw Mo Ming's pitiful acquaintance, he wanted to go up and do him, but he was afraid of hurting him even if he touched it.

 "Then give Brother Zhou a kiss first..."

 Han Shaozhou was almost coaxing, leaning over and wanting to kiss again, Mo Ming pulled the quilt to cover his face, and said sullenly: "You smell like smoke..."

 Han Shaozhou lowered his head, Sniffing the clothes, frowning and struggling for a while, she stood up and asked with a helpless smile, "Then, after washing, can I kiss you?"

 Mo Ming showed his eyes again, nodded, and whispered, "Yes, but I won't do it. "


 Han Shaozhou didn't take a bath, so he took off his clothes and took a quick shower under the shower. To save time, he brushed his teeth and took a bath together.

 After a while, Han Shaozhou climbed onto the bed naked, the water droplets on his body were not completely dried, and his hair was barely dripping. He lifted the quilt and hugged the drowsy Mo Ming, like a criminal. Like some kind of addiction, he buried his face in Mo Ming's soft and fragrant hair and took a strong sniff, and his trembling heart slowly calmed down.

 "Well, it's comfortable..." Han Shaozhou sighed slowly.

 "Brother Zhou, put on some clothes..."

 Mo Ming felt wrapped in a ball of scorching water vapor, and the man behind him was like a giant sloth hugging a tree, sticking to his back tightly, he moved a little, the person behind can rub three times.

 "No." Han Shaozhou said with a smile, "Don't be shy, come, show Brother Zhou."


 "..." Han Shaozhou was not angry either, pressing his thin lips to Mo Ming's ear, and said with a smile, "You have taken a lot of supplements from my family in the past two days, and you have made your body delicate, don't you let Brother Zhou touch it."

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