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   What surprised Han Shaozhou the most was probably that Mo Ming called him husband too smoothly.

 He seemed to be able to taste a lot of things from this sound, sweet and beautiful, swelling in his chest... This guy really knows how to please himself more and more.

 They all called out the word husband, what do you mean, implying that he proposed to him?

 The idea is quite bold, little guy...

 Han Shaozhou immediately put down the shopping bag in his hand, bent down and picked up Mo Ming by the wall, and after entering the door, he quickly hooked the door, and hugged Mo Ming on the sofa in the living room.

 "You...forgot...the food...outside the door...you haven't had dinner yet...uh..."

 Mo Ming was almost confused by the overwhelming kisses, and he was still thinking about the two bags of things that were left outside the door.

 It was getting late, and he wanted to make dinner quickly.

 Han Shaozhou couldn't hear what the person under him said clearly. He was on a business trip for more than a week, and he kept thinking about his beautiful little lover at home. The way he called him husband really set his heart on fire hot.

 After making out for three years, Han Shaozhou knows Mo Ming from head to toe like the back of his hand, he knows too well how to break through Mo Ming's defenses, he kisses the person like marshmallows that are about to melt in a short while, no matter how much he parries the kisses and bites.

 The mobile phone rang at an untimely time, just as Han Shaozhou was kneeling on the sofa with one leg, lowering his head and eagerly trying to untie his trousers belt.

 Picking up the phone impatiently, he found that it was Zhao Cheng, and Han Shaozhou became even more irritable.

 Now when he thinks of Zhao Cheng, in his mind is this guy pretending to be a big-tailed wolf in front of him, jumping back and forth on the edge of his anger in the name of doing his best.

 It must not be a good thing, Han Shaozhou looked down at Mo Ming again.

 Mo Ming's cheeks were flushed, the end of his eyes glistened with water, and the broken hair on his forehead was messy. At this moment, his eyes were half-opened, and he was panting in a distressed manner.

 Han Shaozhou's breath was sparkling, he felt that Mo Ming was writing to him all over his face at this moment: Come and play with me, husband...

 Under the bright light in the living room, being stared at by Han Shaozhou so unabashedly, Mo Ming's face became slightly hot unconsciously, he touched a pillow to cover his face, and reminded in a low voice: "Pick up the phone first, Brother Zhou Don't worry about anything important..." 

 The noisy mobile phone vibrating was still in his ears, so Han Shaozhou had no choice but to answer the phone.

 "What's the matter?"

 Zhao Cheng on the other end was stunned for two seconds by Han Shaozhou's impatient panting, and said with a smile, "Where is this panting man working out?"

 "It's okay, I'm fine. Hang up."

 "Hey, wait, I just want to ask you out for a drink, and I'll tell you something."

 "I don't have time tonight." Han Shaozhou tilted his head, held the phone with his shoulder, and his hands continued to untie his belt buckle, "What's the matter, let's talk on the phone."

 "There is a game on Sunday night, a few friends get together, do you have time?" Zhao Cheng said.

 "Not necessarily." Han Shaozhou said, "Let's see when the time comes, Lao Qin and the others will all go?"

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