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Because this is MTL, there are a lot of mistakes in translaion esp the name.

I'm just gonna put it down here:

Han Shaoyang/Shaofang = Han Shaozhou

Brother Yang/Fang = Brother Zhou


"I Only Like Your Face" Chapter 70

"You actually agreed? Old Han, you are too damn good to fool me."

 Zhao Cheng couldn't laugh or cry when he heard Han Shaofang said that he would wait for Moming for a year. He knew that his brother was not very emotionally enlightened, but he didn't expect it. To be so stupid.

 Mo Ming clearly used this as a reason to get rid of him. Who knows what excuses will come up a year later.

 There was not much regret on Han Shaoyang's face, and he said calmly: "I want him to know my attitude. These three years have been too casual, and he doesn't believe that I really like him." Seeing that Han Shaoyang was so serious, Zhao Cheng

 also He unconsciously put away his smile: "Actually, I'm quite surprised. Xiao Moming can be so tough when he is stubborn. I used to see him acting like a kitten in front of you." Han Shaoyang leaned on the sofa: "I feel

 like this too. It's like getting to know him again. Sometimes it's contradictory, and sometimes it's surprising."

 Zhao Cheng stood up and sat next to Han Shaoyang, putting his arm around Han Shaoyang's shoulders: "Let me ask you, Old Han, what if Mo Ming likes someone else in a year? What should I do?"

 "He promised me that he wouldn't, and he would be busy with his own career."

 "Do you believe this too?"

 "I already consider him my wife, why don't you believe it?"


 Zhao Cheng looked at Han Shaoyang and calmed down. With such a leisurely look, he actually felt a bit of admiration in his heart. He smiled meaningfully and said: "Speaking of which, Old Han, can you hold it in? It's so frustrating not to see the person you like for a year. It's a long night, and I don't want to find someone to resolve it. , Anyway, there are a lot of people who are jealous of you, Master Han?"

 Han Shaofang glanced at Zhao Cheng: "You think I'm just like you, I can develop photos of my little boy by myself." "

 ..." What a chaste and fierce man. .

 He finally believed it. After three years, his friend fell in love without hesitation.

 This is also a good thing. Although the process of falling in love may reduce one's intelligence, the result will definitely make people grow. Master Han, who has experienced an emotional bruise, seems to be more restrained and rational now than before.

 The two were chatting, and a pair of hands behind the sofa were placed on their shoulders, and a familiar laughter came from behind their heads: "Brother Han has a partner, why don't you know how to avoid suspicion with me?"

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